Season 3, Week 3
Jack van Burace
(Wild Arms)
Jack Van Burace, famed seeker of Power, and master of the Quick Draw, will have to end this one quickly as he has little in the way of defence, Jack will be hard pressed to survive Ryu's Grand Dragon. However, there are few better suited for this, as Jack has his choice of the instant death Void attack, or he can try to paralyze Ryu with Shadow Bind, and then off him with Trump Cards. Either way, Jack will have to go with the somewhat risky status attacks to take out Ryu first.



The second of the five Breath of Fire heroes with the name Ryu, and the power to change into a dragon form, Ryu 2 is somewhat the black sheep of the Dragon Clan. Rather than actually transforming into a dragon form, and staying in it for the battle, this Ryu channels all his power into a single, large dragon breath attack....which costs all of his AP. On the up side, this burst, when using his best breath, G.Dragon, deals around 5 times as much as the next most powerful spell, Bolt X, for damage, so it's not all bad...and, in addition, Ryu has good armor and the best weapon in the game. He even has free healing in the form of his Guts skill...though, it only heals a decent amount if he's near death, and it also can fail, making it unreliable. Overall, this Ryu, like all the others, is still a deadly foe.

Hunter Sopko
Jack pales a bit as Ryu turns into his dragon form, but with a bit of quick thinking, he whips out his guitar and plays a bit, hoping the spirit of a good fighter that has fallen in the arena will be summoned. Luckily, out of the ground pops none other than Ryu5, and after looking around for the summoner and only seeing Ryu1, he proceeds to attack and ruthlessly murder his poor counterpart.

From the secret bunker on the edge of the arena, Jack smiles at his good fortune. In the stands, Elmina sighs and shakes her head. "What a loser..."

Jack van Burace: 8
Ryu: 3