Season 26, Week 4
(Final Fantasy V)
Faster than a Dragon Quest princess! Mightier than a furious Chisato! Able to leap hundreds of Jogurts in a single bound! It's Gilgamesh! And this will be Gilgamesh's most glorious battle yet - while Emily has wreaked havoc this season, this multi-armed powerhouse (not to be mistaken with a certain silly octopus) will end her reign of terror. Gilgamesh is faster, smarter and has far more tricks (i.e. - he actually does more than hit things) than this red-head could ever hope to match. With Frog Song, Emily will be nothing more than a mere wart ready to die, and should this not be enough, a combination of any of Gilgamesh's other spectacular skills shall be. While his master may have fallen, the time to shine has finally come for Gilgamesh.



In her season of SMASH, Emily has crushed the bones of a feline and a dumb princess. Now, it's time to unnaturally rearrange the body structure of an eight-armed Behind the Scenes star! Gilgamesh is surprisingly powerful for one of Chisato's pathetic lackeys, but he certainly can't handle the furious martial arts of Ronnie Bell's heir. All Emily has to do is outrace X-Death's former random grunt once, and then it's all over for the octa-limbed freak. And considering Emily is well-known for her lightning-fast attacks, how hard can that be? She's faster than a bullet and hits harder than a train: a fool like Gilgamesh is definitely nothing the mighty Emily can't handle!

Poor Emily.

Having to fight someone she idolized so much.

It's true! Emily idolizes all the greatest fighters, and Gilgamesh's skill with weapons is unparalleled.

(His choices in weaponry, now, and the fact that he weighs himself down with so many that he can barely swing without tripping over himself or bashing himself in the face, that is a problem. His current projected solution is to earn enough money in the Duelling League to buy a couple more arms. Magic is a wonderful thing, but it's not cheap.)

Her solution was simple and swift.

She offered to beat up Exdeath if Gilgamesh threw the match.

Gilgamesh approved of this, but throwing a match wasn't his style.

They compromised.

And so, Gilgamesh and Emily beat up Exdeath, then flipped a coin afterwards.

Naturally, the coin landed in Gilgamesh's favor.

(He didn't cheat. Much. But you should never trust someone with such good hand-eye dexterity that he can handle six hands at once in games of chance. Someone with that much talent may even be able to make a coin land the way he wants.

And it's not that hard to see which side of the coin is up when you're flipping it from hand to hand six times. As I said, not much.)

It's okay, though, it worked out for the best for everyone. Gilgamesh goes on to the next round, making him one step closer to having more limbs than your average centipede, Exdeath is now in a mental ward in a bright pink frilly dress talking about how much he loves his mommy, Yggdrasil, and Emily's training with Gilgamesh has paid off frighteningly well.

Have you ever seen someone cut a person in half with a single blow from their bare hands?

The next time Emily sees a match, you may.

Gilgamesh: 61
Emily: 34