Season 30, Week 1
Nina Wyndia
(Breath of Fire II)
"Wings of black, heart of gold..." this slightly cliched description can only mean one thing. Nina, the princess of Wyndia (version 2.0) has returned! And naturally, so does her ever memorable set of spells that got her to where she is now in Heavy all the way from Light many seasons ago. She couldn't have asked for any better foe too! As a recent upgraded Middle, Nina knows what it's like to make the jump into Heavy, and she's ready to show Squall the difference between the inferior competition he's faced before and the gauntlet of his current division. After all, limits might be strong enough to kill even the most durable of bosses, but he won't get the chance to use a desperation attack when Death ends the fight in one fell swoop.



The king of angst is finally getting the respect he deserves in the arena. Although it took thirty seasons for him to beat the hell out of the piddling Middle division and rise to his destined position as champion, he has finally seen the mountaintop. And now he has arrived in Heavy, where he will once again conquer all foes with the power of his legendary Lionheart. Nina might fling some spells at Squall, but mere magics cannot penetrate the power of his sexy bomber jacket, which radiates awesomeness with its very being. Meanwhile, the Lionheart can punish the mage, and even if her magic deals some damage, he always has his limit to rely on. Regardless of the circumstances, Renzokuken can always lay down the punishment for an easy win.

"So, let's see." Yuri said, as himself, Brey, Mazus, Crowley, Lexis and Mewtwo sat at a table. "We've seen unleashed on the world a flood of perverted NPCs as a rebalance because of Edge. So...can't we just fix Edge and have this go away?"

-No. It's too late for that. The universe will try to rebalance it's self if we remove them before Edge is fixed, but fixing Edge will not remove them.- Mewtwo "said", shaking his head.

"I don't get it. Isn't this a massive unbalance of the universe?" Crowley said, puzzled.

"As much as I hate to agree, that does seem true." Mazus said. such. The perversion balance required losers, nothing more. As it was, for a time, there was only winners, with one person as a loser-and he was not able to take the full burden of hundreds of losers upon himself in any meaningful way, so the universe created some. It was simply the lack of losers; The universe could care less about having too many. Think of it as a disaster relief system. If there's a desperate shortage of winning or losing perverts, more come in. If there's not...- Mewtwo shrugged.

"...who designed this thing?" Yuri said, sighing. "...never mind, I don't even want to know what kind of a sick freak would come up with that. So, how do we fix it?"

"Well, there's a few ways to kill plot types." Brey said, ticking them off on his fingers. "We could get a major villian to smite them; They still can manage it just because they're major villians. It's what they do. We could just find some way to herd them all off the planet, though that would take a small miracle. We could find a catastrophe large enough, general enough and plottish enough to kill them all, but that would take out half the planet at this point. We could just leave things like this and just try to ship off/kill all the disturbing ones, though that's risky and probably not possible." Brey sighed, as he watched a taped replay of Yuna and Cecilia taking off their clothes. "And finally, we could just go back to our homes and leave the place like this."

"Hell no. I've never ran from a fight before." Yuri said, shaking his head.

"This isn't a fight. This is a nightmare waiting to happen." Lexis said. "...Also, why am I in this stupid getup?"

"Don't worry about that." Yuri said. "Anyways, the villian thing seems like a good idea. Let's go scare up some big mean nasties."

-...this...may work. But it is risky.- Mewtwo "said." -Are you sure about this?-

"Look, the alternatives are blowing up half the planet or trying to ship off a hundred or so perverted NPCs." Yuri said, sighing. "Do we have much choice?"


"You need mine power?" Fou-Lu said.

"We need the power of every Godlike capable of killing NPCs and plot types." Yuri said. "And you're the most reliable one to ask, since I'm pretty sure you won't just kill me outright for asking, and that you won't kill anyone else for it."

"But...hmmm. Yes, I shall aid you, but mine own role will be as far as possible from the battle. I do not relish defeat in this case, the stakes are far too high." Fou-Lu said. "I saw what happened to Ted and Ashley." He added, shuddering.


Ghaleon, Fou-Lu, Zophar, Deathevens, Myria, Indalecio, and even more. The strongest Godlike bosses in existance, all banded together, towards one noble cause.

Not being in short-shorts and ogled by Leknaat or Marlok and enjoying it.

Or, in Zophar's case, the possibility of being forced to not be a crossdresser.

Against a force of people that, on average, didn't know one end of a sword from another.

It sounded almost too easy.


"...what do you mean, they know their powers now? How could they possibly realize that?" Brey said, stunned.

-Just possibly, because there are some excellent magical and scientific minds in that mass of perversion? Not even all of them were perverts before this force caught them.- Mewtwo "said", as he stared at the small army of NPCs. -They did build a rather nice spacecraft.- He added.

"...point. But what...are you saying they can wield the perversion force as a weapon?" Brey asked.

-Basically, yes.- Mewtwo nodded. "Why didn't you say something before?" Brey asked.

-...- "Well?" -...Well, all things considered, this has not been my best day.- " just thought of it." -Correct. I had fears this wouldn't be as simple as it seemed, but this had not occured to me until I saw them gathered like this.- "Great."

"What's the worst that could happen?" Yuri said, as the force of bosses grimly advanced on the perverts.

-You have to ask that?- "...okay, what's the worst that's likely to happen?" Yuri amended.

", I won't do it. I WANT TO BE PRETTY!" Myria said, shaking her head. Turning, she turned into her more monstrous form and blasted her way into her fellow Godlikes.

"...why do I even ask?" Yuri said. "Great. So, we just killed a bunch of Godlikes, probab-...ohmygodeveryoneGETTHEHELLOUTOFHERE!" Yuri said, turning on his heel and running out of the field of battle.

"...what's with him?" Brey said. But his instincts were good; He'd already started running after Yuri.

It took the other, confused people a moment to realize what Yuri had.

" No, I won't." Ghaleon said, clutching his head, as Godlikes desperately tried to kill NPCs before getting infected with urges to disrobe, grope, glomp and generally act out bad fanfiction. "...I won't!, that'! I...don't...feel...pretty! I...DON'T!!"

"..." "..." "..." -...- Crowley, Mazus, Lexis and Mewtwo all stared blankly for a moment.

Then ran screaming after Yuri.

"I...feel...pretty!" Ghaleon shrieked behind them. "MOON MAGICAL PRISM TRANSFORMATION UNITE!"

Only the screams of the damned could be heard behind the fleeing men, as Ghaleon's fanservicey transformation took place.


"...well...that...had to have killed half of them at least, right?" Yuri said. "Also, probably every Godlike."

"Not...quite." Fou-Lu said, stumbling into the room. "Though I feel a great need to empty my stomach." He added, rushing into a nearby bathroom.

"Well, that didn't exactly work." Brey said. "How about blowing them up with some catastrophic weapon?"

-I suspect that's futile.- "Why?" "Some NPCs always survive those somehow." " they do." Yuri said, shaking his head. "...say, even if we fix this...are all those infected people going to stay like that?"

-That is irrelevant.- "You don't know." -...this has very much been one of my worse days.- Mewtwo said. -And you need to stop making me admit it.- He added, telekinetically shoving Yuri through a wall.

"Ow." -At any rate, it's still irrelevant. We can't possibly fix anything without getting rid of them. So, we need to ship them off.-

"Well, there is one way that this could be achieved." Fou-Lu said, sighing. "Using materials that still exist in the League. But I suspect that, at least momentarily, this will be the cause of the most horrific sight ever."

"...worse...than what we've already seen?" Crowley said, shaking his head. "Impossible."

"Quite possible. Unfortunately." Fou-Lu said, sighing.


"Oh, I feel pretty, oh so pretty..." Ghaleon happily skipped down a hallway. "Ahhhh, it's been so long since I've been in a dress."

"So where are we going to go, aunt Ghaleon?" Myria said, happily skipping alongside Ghaleon, now in her child form, sporting a ridiculous Sailor Senshi outfit as well.

"Where we can be appreciated, little one."


"There certainly seems to be a lot going on in the other Arenas." Nina observed. The chaos, while widespread, hadn't managed to make it to their arena just yet.

"Whatever. We're here to fight, right?" Squall said, shrugging.

"Sure." Nina said. "Death!"

Squall fell over, out like a light.

"...this is getting really old. I never get any long, involved fights. I never get anything interesting. I just cast the one spell. I've done it nine times." Nina said, sighing. "And the one other time, I tried it and it didn't work and I got killed. Darn it. Won't anything interesting happen in one of my fights?"

"When I was alone as one,
my eyes were as blind, I know.
Sky brilliant with blue elegance,
I couldn't behold."

Ghaleon, resplendant(?) in his(?) Sailor Scout outfit, walked into the arena, with a microphone in hand.

"...that's it, I'm never, ever saying anything like that aga-"

"When I was alone as one,
My heart was as ice, so cold.
Wind whispering sweet melodies,
I could not behind."

Myria, singing as only a squeaky-yet-horribly-flat child's voice can, entered in the other entrance, in her own Sailor Scout outfit, trimmed in bright pink.

"..." Nina stood for a moment, mesmerized.

Then flew screaming out of the arena, as the two continued alternating their rendition of Lucia's Song.

"Sight to my eyes,
and warmth to my heart,
Your love has been such to me.

Pull closer now,
And strengthen my leaning,
Toward love to heal all my wounds."

As the two joined in together at once on the chorus, the stampede out of the arena started.

Nina Wyndia: 70
Squall Leonheart: 35

Fresh off his victory, Squall entered the Arena, gunblade and fangirl at the ready. *This... will be my chance to prove my worth.* he thought. *This will be how I venture, from here, to Godlike! This is how - ooh la laaaa...*


Perhaps the one thing no one should ever do is watch Nina transform into a bird. It's a... rather embarassing move for her, to say the least. Especially since princess clothes are expensive.

So Nina, of course, began the transformation, getting Squall... excited.

Which prompted Rinoa to shoot Angelo at Squall.

No, not the dog.

You see, Angelo also happened to be a Squall fanboy (hell, if Squall won twice, Angelo'd be able to thrash him! And in order to do that, Angelo needed to get close enough to cast spells surreptitiously on him), and he was closest to Rinoa when she saw the "betrayal"...

Well. Need I say more? Aroused Squall, confused pimpmaster Angelo, embarrassed Nina, furious Rinoa... yeah. Best leave the end result unsaid.

Poor Squall. After putting down the ridiculously over-favored Tifa and upgrading to Heavy, he gets stomped flat in one hit from Nina's Death spell.

Good luck next time.

Nina + PC = DEATH

Angst wins over weakness!!! Besides, lions beat winged bird-people any day. There's nothing like an eight-million hit combo to demoralize a little Wyndian mage girl.