Season 43, Week 1
Lenny Curtis
(Shadow Hearts: Covenant )
NOT LENNY! Yes, Lenny has made his triumphant return to the DL arena! Squared against Rei in the opening round, it's actually a rather close matchup. Both are remarkably similar people, being bandit tough guys who go into exile for a period of time. Both hit pretty hard and have transformation powers. However, unless Rei finds a way to deal with Lenny's debilitating Stone status, he may find himself a statue in no time! Even if he can, Rei will have trouble hacking through Lenny's thick hide enough to bring him down, and the woren isn't exactly durable. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation for Rei. But well, those are Lenny's favorite odds.



A lovable, albeit hardened, criminal who calls upon demonic powers to do battle? Well, doesn't that beat all. At first glance, Lenny holds all the advantages, being obviously larger, tougher, and stronger than Rei - so, things seem to look bad. But Rei has an immense edge in speed, Protectors to ward off Lenny's petrifying strikes and all the experience he needs to break through. In this fight, Rei will need to use Weretiger's power from the word go, counting on that speed and his instinct to wear down Lenny's toughened Godhand state. And with the sheer brutality of his transformed state, this may just be enough. Inelegant, but hey, if it works you gotta run with it.

Dark Holy Elf
You might think that Lenny would defeat Rei with his durable, demonic body outlasting his frail feline opponent. You might think that Lenny would defeat Rei using his accurate and deadly Petrification. These would be logical thoughts.

However, this is the RPG Duelling League, and often, logic has nothing to do with it.

"So I'm writing a fanfic featuring Ryu and Teepo, and I have a 50% chance of writing each one as transgendered. If at least one is transgendered, what is the probability that both are?"

Valvalis looked at Rei levelly, as if she had asked the most normal thing in the world. And all Rei could do was stutter at her blankly, causing more than one fan in the audience to wonder if Scias had come to the match disguised as his Grassrunner predecessor.

You're probably thinking that Rei isn't too bright for accepting a proposal that his match with Lenny be settled via a math quiz. After all, liking these sorts of things is pretty much Lenny's most notable character trait. Not to mention that Godlikes tend to be sadistic when putting these things together. Rei's judgement may have been clouded by the fact that his morning meal had been spiked with catnip by Johnny; who can say?

Regardless, eventually, Rei finally managed to push out, "Uh, 50%, right? Why would the chance of you transgendering one of them change, anyway?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. You see, there are three possible ways for me to write this fanfic such as at least one is transgendered. Ryu is, Teepo is, or both are, with an equal probability of each. Since 'both' is but one of the three possibilities, the answer, clearly, is one in three."

"I really, really hate you."

The real loser here is Lenny, however. I mentioned that Godlike judges tend to be sadistic, didn't I? Well, Valvalis just told Lenny to come up with a new, simple proof of Fermat's Last Throrem. And he did just that! Unfortunately, none of the judges could be bothered to read it, as it turned out their sadism is topped only be their laziness. He's still moving onto the next round, but it's with a heavy heart that he does so. One day, one day this league will appreciate his true talents! Perhaps he can devise a sidequest for a few more Godlikes...

Lenny Curtis: 39
Rei: 20