Season 5, Week 3
(Breath of Fire III)
This match will be a quickdraw for Rei. He can't afford to let himself be hit with Meru's powerful Dragoon magic and Meru is no slowpoke unlike his last opponent. Rei does have the overwhelming physical advantage against his opponent with his Weretiger form, which plays directly to Meru's key weaknesses of bad HP and bad defense. All it will take is an attack or two from the powerful transformation to win Rei the match, and given his higher speed and the high possibility or surviving a powerful blast of Dragoon magic, Rei should be able to get those two hits in.



Having dispatched the fiendish Jenova, a mere thief may seem like a much easier task for the Wingly Meru. However, this would certainly be underestimating her foe! Luckilly for Meru, her magic defence is stupidly high enough to fend off any stray Death spells sent her way, which leaves this as a power match between two fast, strong, and frail characters. And in that match, Meru holds the edge... she's even faster than her opponent, and doesn't lose a turn when she transforms into her stronger form. The only question is whether Rei will even get a Weretiger attack off before he finds himself Blue Dragon food...

Tylor H
Rei has great speed with little durability and poor damage.
Meru has great speed with less durability and good damage.
Good for Rei, better for Meru

Rei has Weretiger which not only makes him faster, but makes him a lot stronger too.
Advantage: Rei

Meru has the Blue Sea Dragon Spirit, which not only increases all her stats by a lot, but gives her very strong attack magic too.
Victory: Meru

Rei: 6
Meru: 12

Rei: I'm fighting a Girl? Doesn't that just beat all.

Meru: *hits him with Perky Step* Yep, it does!