Season 49, Week 3
(Dragon Warrior IV)
Offense versus defense is the story of this match. Id's one of the best in Heavy at delivering speedy punishment, while Cristo's one of the best at withstanding punishment. Santeem's high priest and guardian of Princess Alena has excellent physical defense out of the gate, and is immune to even Id's dangerous physicals after one use of Upper. All he has to do is survive one or two of the Contact's other half's ether attacks after Upper goes on, and then victory is his. Id can be Surrounded, Stopspelled, and slowly tapped to death by Cristo's not so mighty physicals - all the speed in the world won't save him from being overwhelmed by the master of defensive combat.



The scourge of Elru, half of the contact, Id is a godlike power middling in Heavy like some common peasant. Of course, with his dark determination, getting back into Godlike should pose little problem to the being that is practically a force of nature. Cristo may be great at his little stalling games and parlor tricks, but considering Id’s blistering speed and powerful double deathblows, Cristo’s healing and buffs should be quite the ineffective method of keeping up with Id’s relentless barrage of damage. A few Hagans and ether spells, and Cristo should be down for the count without a hitch, and Id will be one step closer to finally proving that he’s better than that milksop Fei.

A master of physical combat.

A master of thwarting physical combat.

It could get no more pathetic than this.


"...That...did he take that as a challenge?" Alena asked curiously, as Id desperately and repeatedly used his dubious-quality Ether to slowly chip at Cristo, while Cristo calmly read a book.

"...he'd probably do anything to impress you." Brey muttered into his beard, as Cristo boredly cast Fullheal on himself. "And that magic resistant book is still not getting any favors from that treatment. Oh well, let him have his fun."

Cristo: 19
Id: 24