Season 55, Week 3
Nina Wyndia
(Breath of Fire IV)
After her defeat of Emelia, Nina the Fourth eagerly moves on to her next opponent. It looks like this season's Heavy pool is all about just which of the girls is the strongest; Nina will reveal to all that she is the rightful ower to the title of Heavy Champion. While her defenses may seem weak, Nina's innate resistance against physicals makes her one of the tankiest mages around- which plays in her favor, as the Wyndian's opponent this week is none other than Kasumi, a hopeless one-trick ninja. An edge in speed may speak to Kasumi's favor, but speed alone doesn't win battles- Nina has enough resources, healing, defense and speed to win this match, to say nothing of the powerful cyclones she commands. Kasumi'll be nothing but a twinkle in the sky by the end of this match, and Nina will have another victory to her name.



At first glance, Kasumi would appear to be in a tight spot this week. The Ninas are collectively a very strong group, and the fourth of their number likely the strongest of all, and certainly the most successful. However, Kasumi has several advantages over the Wyndian's past victims. The Toran ninja is in the select group of duellers faster than Nina, allowing her a crucial first strike before the winged princess' buffing game can come into play. Additionally, since her Shrike Rune consumes none of Kasumi's resources, Nina cannot simply wait her out or stall the match. No, Kasumi has the tools she needs to force Nina into a slugging match, and in a battle of damage against damage, durability against durability, Kasumi holds every edge, more than enough to claim victory and garner the acclaim owed to one who slew Nina.

Kasumi nodded at her opponent, hand raised, "Ready?"

Nina brought up her own fist, "On the count of three."




Kasumi's hand came out flat while Nina's had out only two parted fingers.

The ninja's face darkened as she nodded in defeat. Nina smiled, turned on her heel and strode out of the arena.

In the judge's booth, Fayt was frankly confused. Looking over to Mirage, he voiced his puzzelment, "So am I missing something? Unless they play Rock-Paper-Scissors by different rules around here, Nina won that. But...she just forfeited the match by leaving."

Mirage raised an eyebrow, "What, you think she wants to fight that perverted ninja in the next round?"

Fayt grimaced, "Oh. So I guess this is one of those cases where the loser wins, huh?"

Nina Wyndia: 25
Kasumi: 26