Season 60, Week 0
Jowy Atreides
(Suikoden II)
The Black Sword Rune has already consumed two lives along Jowy's road to Godlike, and yet it hungers still. Perhaps the life of a god will be able to slake the Rune's immeasurable lust for bloodshed? Jowy is certainly about to find out. With speed that his opponent simply cannot match, the master of the Black Sword will be able to unleash his Hungry Friend upon Odin before the pathetic god can do so much as blink, tearing him apart without hesitation or mercy. And if by some miracle he should survive that assault, Odin will have only one chance to counter, for there is little that exists, even in the DL, that can survive two.



Mmm, the Rune of the Beginning would be a perfect addition to the great Lord Odin's collection of artifacts, it must be confessed. Riou can easily be dealt with as soon as Odin upgrades to Godlike as befits his true station; but this fool child in front of him may be slightly harder to deal with. Non elemental magic is dangerous to Odin - well, as dangerous as any mere mortal power can be to the Allfather. Gungnir is going to feast on Jowy's blood for the brief time that he can withstand Odin's attacks - and Jowy's pitiful scalp may go on the mantle next to Barbarossa and the rest of the fools who dared opposed Odin's might!

Jowy Atreides: 19
Odin: 12