Season 64, Week 0
Alfina de Pamela
(Grandia 3)
For a heroine that constantly finds herself in need of a good rescuing, Alfina is a surprisingly competent fighter. While her ability to inflict pain via speech may be her greatest asset, her staff skills and powerful techs shouldn’t be underestimated. Stun Force can make even the status immune freeze in their tracks, while Holy Circle makes her nigh-untouchable by melee physicals. And of course, the dreaded Armaggedeon not only delivers a cosmic smackdown, but it also greatly lowers all of her opponent’s stats. With such a diverse and powerful skillset, Alfina should have little trouble in the arena!



While Eileen might prefer to stand quietly by her husband and son outside of the arena (after, they do more than their share of talking!), inside, she's the real powerhouse of the Lepant family. Her claim to fame is her high speed and Copper Flesh, which gives her several turns of immunity from all forms of damage. And while many a fighter are breaking their teeth on Copper Flesh, Eileen can leasurely bury them in a flurry of Earthquakes, or if needed, a swarm of physical attacks. As long as she stays away from status attacks, there isn't a slugfester this side of Heavy that Eileen doesn't have at least a solid shot at taking down.

Alfina de Pamela: 13
Eileen: 9