Season 12, Week 3
(Final Fantasy X)
Auron and Id may both be red-garbed physical fighters, but that's where the similarities end. While Id is a berserker, Auron is a far more calculating warrior, with attacks to strike at his opponent's weakness. This week the Masamune will serve Auron well, not only in giving him an initial strike to ravage his foe's strength, but also in allowing him to counter everything Id throws back. Double Raijin only means double counters, and there's nothing Id will be able to do to avoid the deathly powerful Masamune strikes of a low-HP Auron. The tank-like Legendary Guardian even likely has a durability edge in this match. It all adds up to an easy win... if he can overcome the large disadvantage he faces against Id's blazing speed.



The infamous Id is rarely beaten to the punch in his matches, but his foe this week manages to do just that. With the guardian's first strike very likely to be Power Break, Id looks at first to be facing an uphill battle... but the truth may not be so simple. Even if Auron manages to land that first blow, the resulting lag gives Id an easy doubleturn, and the subsequent coupled ether blasts should be enough to put a major dent in Auron while not provoking a fearful counter. After that, the Demon of Elru relies on his nigh-constant doubleturns, fleet-footed evasion, and impressive boss durability to put Auron down. For one such as Id, this piddling battle is a mere warm-up.

Hmm... Auron power breaks... gets hit twice countering... low HP gets his final turn and wins it with a super powered hit...

Auron: 31
Id: 21