Season 14, Week 2
(Final Fantasy Tactics)
Lede squares off against a foe from her game of origin, which is bound to be the one thing in the entire RPGDL as annoying as she is. Now, it is true that Meliadoul can knock out a fair percentage of Lede's tricks... but Lede has an awful lot of tricks. Thankfully, Lede has two weapons, of which Mel can only break one at a time, and even after that, the sultry assassin has her Throw skill to fall back on, making sure that she will always have a reliable form of offense.



With a fearsome physical and a near-endless list of status attacks, Lede is one difficult Heavy to take down. Luckily, Meliadoul has just the tools to defeat the Assassin. Her array of equipment renders most of Lede's Use Hand skillset useless, her femininity makes her immune to Lede's sexual Allure, and she has a really badass hood and green jacket whose silhouette Lede will learn to fear as it knocks out her equipment. And thus slowly Meliadoul shall work towards Godlike to prove to Orlandu once and for all that green is superior to brown.

Dark Lord Magus
Meliadoul may have a neato hood, but she doesn't have sex-appeal to call upon a horde of rabid fanboys to crush her opponent, game set match Lede.

Lede: 34
Meliadoul Tingel: 32

Starphoenix das Helpoemer

Hear that? That's the sound of all exposed armor being discarded to the wayside.


Hear that? That's the swift sound of Meliadoul's blade going upside yonder Assassin's head.


Hear that? That's Lede's body dropping like a dead door nail on the floor.