Season 16, Week 1
(Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword)
Limstella has come to steal all of the quintessence in Heavy, along with a championship! With magical power surpassed only by the greatest mages Limstella's prepped and ready to make this match count! Her powerful Fimbulvetr will wreck havoc with even the durable Harle. And Harle's dreaded Lunaretic, the bane of many of Heavy's greatest fighters, is nigh-useless against the magic-wielding servant of Nergal. Though a victory against a Chrono Cross character isn't exactly the most overwhelming thing in the world, it's still a good start on Limstella's road to domination.



Trés bien! Ze deadliest pierrot of the DL, the moon-reader, Harle, is back! And yet again she faces someone who is status-immune. Not only that, Limstella is a hardy, rather durable mage. But non, Harle is not afraid. She still has her Moonbeam tech to nerf Limstella's damage and, furthermore, Limstella is a rather slow combatant, leaving her prone to possible double-turns. Even more, Harle's darkness-based magic is something Anima mages do not like in general. Harle is already sharpening her Deck of Lies in order to show Limstella ze true power of Le Lune!

Jo ou Ranbu
Limstella and Harle were both applicants to a part in that "The Fiddler on The Roof" play. So, they decided the best way to settle that match was in an acting contest. They were to fight as if they were in a play, each one singing a song of their choice.

The most obvious idea for Harle would be to sing a beautiful french song. She had the accent, she had the tone, she had the grace. Limstella still couldn't decide what she were to sing.

Unfortunately for Harle, she was given "Toxic" to perform. Somewhere along the pigs squealing and running away at the arena and the rabid mob of Britney Spears haters trampling the entire surroundings, the judges found that Limstella was the winner. The last glimpse seen of Harle was when the clown slowly faded away from the spotlight muttering " Oui, I do" as Limstella's voice echoed with her song.

"Non, rien de rien... nooooon, je no regrette rien..."

And Limstella didn't regret anything. The same couldn't be said of Harle, who joined Mishaela's travelling puppet show somewhere at Runefaust.

Limstella: 28
Harle: 23