Season 30, Week 3
resh off her victory against that fetching duck, Sgt. Joe, Feena faces the former Heavy champion herself! Angela and Feena have several things in common: They're both magic-based, knocked over by a stiff breeze, and can tear duellers in half with their status and magic spells. The one thing that gives Feena the edge, though, is her agility. Feena goes first quite easily, and will use Time Gate. Then, while Angela is frozen stiff, she'll take advantage of her opponent's complete lack of defense and End of the World and Zap Whip the stuffing out of her fellow magic user to quickly claim victory. If Angela gets a turn she could probably turn Feena into a statue, but there's no way that Angela could withstand Feena's barrage, and that's going to be the key to victory for Feena.



My, my - it seems Angela's following in her own footsteps from last season. With a brutal and elegant victory over the pegasus-rider Fiora last week, it seems the RPGDL has run out of decent opponents for her to face. Feena, despite her agility, has little to bring to bear against the conquering magical mistress of Altena - she's very frail, her magical resources are limited and her options for dealing with any of Angela's powerful spells are non-existent. It'll be another simple battle for Altena's supreme sorceress - either a single Deathspell to completely obliterate the tenuous grip Feena holds on life, or a casting of Stone Cloud to turn her into a very green statue. When will the real opponents show up? Is Heavy destined for another season of Altenan domination?

"What do you mean I can't get in, you foul hooligan? I'm Rune Walsh, savior of the world and master Esper."

Much to Rune's general surprise and dismay, the arena for Feena and Angela's fight was jam packed. Two heavies, one a former godlike and one a heavy champ, made for a good fight. It didn't hurt that both didn't wear much in the way of clothing, and had shown no relutance to shed said clothing in epic fights.

"Arena's closed. Name's Wugui, and not hooligan." The demonic creature grinned at Rune, obviously amused at this puny attempt to threaten him. "The ladies said you weren't invited, after your last stunt. And all the spectator seats are taken. Scoot."

Rune's face turned red. The gall of this creature, to dare insult him. He'd pay. "I see. There's only one response for such a plan.. Legion!"

Much to his shock, Wugui suffered no ill effects from the blast. "You see, I was hired especially for dealing with you. Feena wanted no chances taken after last week. I have a special ability, see.."

Rune blanched. He remembered where he had seen Wugui from.

The magic immune Wugui.

The magic immune Wugui who he just blasted and insulted.

While getting thrown out of the arena and beaten up by a demonic thug like Wugui was insulting, it could have been worse. Justin could have done it.


"Damn. I didn't even get into the arena. And according to the offical news, Feena won her match handily. I'll have a perfect chance to avenge myself next week. Oh yes. Hahahhaaha!"

Feena: 47
Angela: 31