Season 31, Week 1
(Xenosaga Series)
Look out, Heavy! Gaignun Kukai, Junior is back, and this time, he's not stopping until he takes a title. And the first person in his way is little more than an oversized speedbump for the fast-drawing gunslinger. Arngrim's everything Jr. likes to see in an opponent - he's slow, he's got no ranged attacks, and he has no defense against an Ether-based assault. So, with the speed and range advantages already in his pocket as the fight begins, Jr. also has the tools to make those advantages absolutely overwhelming. With Speed Machine to make himself even faster, and bullets from his trusty Cross to turn his opponent into a heavily armored slug, this fight is going to be over before it even starts! Arngrim may as well do himself a favor and not even bother showing up.



After a lengthy absence, the bad-boy Einherjar makes his triumphant return to the arena. In his absence, he has picked up more experience from his latest (earliest?) round of adventures in Midgard, but in the end, his strategy has not changed - he still makes things die with his massive sword, and looks damn stylish while he's at it. His opponent in this fight, Jr., is Arngrim's style of opponent - a simple fighter who, when it comes down to it, specializes in physical damage. That suits Arngrim well, as he's built to take punishment...which gives him more than enough time to build to his finishing strike, the dreaded Final Blast. After that string of blows, the power of which is as undeniable as it is inevitable, all that will be left for Jr. to do is die... and be silent!

Once again, swords and guns clash in an epic struggle to prove superiority.

Jr. knew it all. Guns were mocked and reviled, historically. But his revolvers weren't some pansy-ass magical cannon things or some blunderbus. He was going to take that big oaf down from a distance, and never let him get anywhere near him.

Some of his last thoughts were along these lines.

"To my side, my noble Einherjar!" Lenneth was heard to call, as the battle started.

"Huh. He didn't come in materialized? I wond-" Jr. cut off abruptly.

Getting the hilt of a giant broadsword to the back of your head has that effect on some.

"Heh. I should have tried this before. Who needs to fight fair, just get materialized in the right spot." Arngrim said, cracking his knuckles. "But I don't suppose it'll work twice. Ahhh, well." He shrugged, sheating his blade.

Jr.: 30
Arngrim: 64

Jr. v. Arnie'll be interesting. But assuming the all-powerful hemlock/Bravesoul/Hi-Storm Waltz- Storm Waltz combo isn't a factor... Arngrim should get the victory, here.