Season 38, Week 1
(Suikoden 5)
So, Nikea risks her life to fight in an epic civil war to determine the fate of a dynasty...and her first opponent in the Duelling League is a cat riding a giant stuffed moogle? Bit of a step down, no? Granted, Nikea's not likely to turn down any fight that keeps her fed. And she did start on the wrong side of that war, after all, so perhaps she should count her blessings. Of course, appearances aside, Cait Sith isn't a foe to be laughed at. That stuffed body can take a lot of punishment, and the Transform materia can wreak havoc on pure fighters. Fortunately, punishment is something Nikea's adept at dishing out - a critical strike from her Boar Rune should put the oversized plushie down for the count, and after that she can move on to what's really important...Because where else can you find a more varied collection of chefs and gourmands than in the Duelling League?



It has been a long time, but double agent/smart executive Cait Sith finally returns to the Duelling League arena, making his debut in a new division and rarin' to go! His unwieldy opponent is Nikea, a typical Star of Destiny fighter, only she carries a Boar Rune. However, considering how bad the other Boar Rune wielder was, there's no real need to worry there, right? Right. Even if this one is noticeably more powerful. With his Slot limit, the cunning moogle-riding cat has easy access to infinite full healing, which can easily erase Nikea's one shot of Boar-powered damage, no matter how strong it might be - and which Cait is more than durable enough to endure. However, Nikea herself cannot avoid the brutal status effects slung from Cait's Transform Materia for long, and the agent is faster than his foe, ending any doubts on who should come back home with a victory in this Heavy matchup.

The Boar rune grants Nikea the power of a rampaging beast, capable of wreaking havoc against any foe that stands in her way.

Cait Sith will be granting her a different beast's power today. A frog's power is sadly not enough to wreck much of anything. And is very easily stepped on by a giant moogle-suit... thing.

The real story started after Nikea was revived, however. A kiss from a certain half-mystic lesbian saw her changed back into a human and added to Asellus' harem. So it worked out for the Suikoden fighter in the end. Getting together with a princess was her goal in the first place after all.

Nikea: 28
Cait Sith: 45

Cait did the obvious thing.

He simply pulled out all his Megaphones and made a chain that linked Nikea's mouth to her ear.

They're still trying to piece her head together.