Season 42, Week 1
(Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword)
Newly upgraded after a brilliantly enlightening Middle run, the dark scholar Canas runs into a... pirate lady as his Heavy debut? Well, that's unfitting. After fighting legendary phoenixes and threats nearly as brilliant as himself in the former season, Canas has to deal with an uncouth, scantily clad lass? There is no end to this world's insanity, it seems. But the gentle druid will cope. Against Sharon's murderous Mystic Artes, Canas has his dark magic tomes to keep up with the swift, yet inelegant pirate. For every fancy acrobatic trick she can perform, there is an answer within his scrolls of wisdom. After all, "brain beats brawn", says common lore, and Canas has little reason to doubt this is true after last season.



After a devastating first round loss in her premier debut, Sharon is back with a vengeance to prove that her pirate swordmanship and Mystic magic are things that all Heavies should fear. Canas may have shown that he can beat a few scrawny middles, but Sharon is in a whole different class. Her powerful speed will ensure that she doubles Canas without a hitch or any hesitation, she can build up her AP bar in only a single turn, can halve Darkness magic, and even some evade in a pinch. Unless Canas can manage to kill her in a turn through the resistance, he’s staring at a massively bone-shattering, mind-melting overkill Mystic Arte that no amount of draining damage will be able to save him from this season.

Unfortunately for Sharon, Canas is far above being distracted by Sharon's choice of fashion, not to mention already being married makes him completely immune to any sort of temptation Sharon may attempt on him!

...unfortunately for Canas, though, Sharon's still got a sword that she can stab through his spine faster than it takes him to chant a Luna spell.

Canas: 18
Sharon: 25