Season 5, Week 1
(Breath of Fire III)
Rei, as usual, has the edge in speed this week. It's in stark contrast to his opponent, who's one of the slowest PCs from his series. Doesn't that just beat all? Well, so does Rei when he goes weretiger and starting mauling Ox. If he doesn't opt for Weretiger, he can use his Death or Lighting spells, or raise his stats with his stat-buffing magic. Either way, Rei is quite confident about this match; he just has to make sure he can avoid being crushed by Ox's hammer.



Ox SMASH! That's what one can imagine him saying, holding his trademark oversized Mallet. Coming in with solid healing magic and outstanding defense, Ox can afford to play a defensive war with Rei. He can't wait for too long to put away Rei, though. Weretiger will quickly eat away at Ox's impressive HP score, and Rei's speed means that Ox's attacks will be few and far between.

Rei is getting, what? 8 or so turns to Ox's one? I foresee a great mass of Death being cast with much beating of all occurring.

Rei: 20
Ox: 1