Season 9, Week 2
Ashley Winchester
(Wild Arms 2)
Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger Ashley Winchester is ready to rock. After getting kicked out of Godlike in Season 1, he finally gets a chance to redeem himself in Heavy. This week, he is up against the cool-headed Expellian swordsman, Dias Flac. Despite Dias' speed and skill, Ashley has an easy match this week. Instead of using Access and morphing into Knightblazer, Ashley should use his quicker and more efficient FullClip move to pump Dias full of lead, which will more than likely kill the longhaired swordman.



Dias Flac is perhaps the most skilled swordsman in Expel. Because of the Crimson Diablo's ID protection, Ashley Winchester's cheapshot Accelerator/DeadorAlive strategy will prove to be worthless. Also, the Crimson Diablos effectively doubles Dias' attack power, giving Illusion enough punch to knock the young leader of ARMs out quickly. With this added punch along with the speed of his sword techniques, Dias' first match may very well last "ten seconds.

Ashley read up on his opponent. Long Blue Haired Bishie Swordsman...he thought to himself, and idea sprung up. He ran, grabbed the Argethalm, and transformed once again into the form of a hero, in an attempt to put on a show for the crowd.

Upon entering the ring, when the bell was rung, Ashley was disquallified instantly. He realized then he should have looked into to see if his legendary form was actually legal before using said powers...

Ashley Winchester: 12
Dias Flac: 28