Season 11, Week 2
(Dragon Warrior IV)
Even for a heroine that has faced down the twisted Lord of Evolution, new challenges can be found. For a prime example of this phenomenon one needs only to look at the marquee for this match: Zenithian Hero fights Legendary Plumber! Instead of flaming breath and stabbing claws, she will have to cope with flaming balls and bludgeoning boots. Her arsenal of healing magic and electric incantations will be given a good workout as she fights her way past this strange foe, but Sofia will no doubt prove what a true hero is made of.



Here we go! After seeing Toadstool get downgraded, Bowser get upgraded, and Pikachu competing, the world's most famous plumber finally gets his shot at the DL. In a match against a fellow world hero, no less. With Sofia packing Sleepmore, Mario has to swap out his Ghost Medal for a Wake-Up Pin, though Dispell would have rendered the former useless to begin with. Regardless, Mario sports a slight speed advantage, allowing him to get one shot in before Fendspell. But will it and his Lazy Shell be enough to get him past Sofia? He'll need to plumb the depths of his soul and skill to find out!

You know how you can determine Sofia is stronger than Mario?

The fact is, as we know, Silence = Wisdom.

Thus, Wisdom = Knowledge
Cliche Phrase states Knowledge is Power!

Well, Mario kept silent for so long, but the instant he yelled those infamous "Itsa me, Mario!", any thoughts of Mario having Wisdom were flushed down the toilet, and since Sofia managed to keep her mouth shut til this very day, says something about her.

Sofia: 19
Mario: 17