Season 14, Week 1
Bruiser Khang
(Tales of Destiny)
Cloud is an experienced arena fighter, but hes never set foot into the Neuestadt battle arena in his travels. His luck has run out - Neuestadt's champion is ready to humiliate him. Cloud is utterly unprepared to deal with Bruiser's mighty Ballistic attack, which will tear through his HP with ease. Bruiser can also negate Cloud's one trump card, his limit breaks, by opening with a one-two combo before easily killing Cloud with Ballistic. He also has fantastic durability, allowing him to survive Cloud's attacks with ease. Bruiser should prove in this battle that no matter how experienced a fighter he faces, he is the one true arena fighting champion.



Cloud's DL record has been underwelming; two losses and only one win hardly befits one of the most infamous fighters in RPG history. The spiky-haired blademaster intends to earn a record more deserving of himself, and he won't let a simpleton like Bruiser get in his way. Although Bruiser packs a powerful punch with his various heavy hitting martial arts attacks, he's one of the arrogant fighters to grace the arena floor. Cloud has the unenviable task of timing a Limit so it takes out Bruiser for the remainder of the fight... but the Limits do come out of nowhere, and Bruiser's stupid enough to undersell Cloud's power, leaving him open to a Cross Slash to the face.

You don't think Bruiser remembers the brutal beating Stahn put on him right before he joined the party? It made him weary of blond haired heroes in general.

So who can blame him for fleeing the arena in terror, when Cloud comes in..dressed as a woman?

Bruiser Khang: 22
Cloud Strife: 23

Cloud has some strong moves I'll give him that it's just that they are alllimit breaks and as all FF7 players know your limit bar stars at ZERO, here that all you FF7 fan boys ZERO, he'll be anihilated before he can even manage a half-way decent attack.