Season 19, Week 3
(Final Fantasy X)
Jecht Beam won't touch this week's opponent. That's fine with Braska's former guardian, as, despite his penchant for the quick kill a good old-fashioned slugfest is right up his alley. A few strikes from his fist are enough to lay Rasputin's henchman low, and the finishing blow from his blade will be enough to teach even a dim bulb like Lenny that Jecht's really the best.



It is a rare and wonderful thing for a man like Lenny to taste victory. And no one should underestimate how motivating holding onto success can be! Defeating Jecht is no mean feat, of course, but when it comes to raw might Lenny's Godhand technique is likely the superior anyway, so the mental advantage may go to waste. But then again, Lenny can always use the practice...

Sometimes in life, manly men must take a stand for what they believe in.


For the first time ever in a Duelling League match, both contestants agreed to a drinking contest, to see who really could put back the most booze in Heavy.

A special batch of the finest brew was made up by none other than a Pandaran Brewmaster, and the judges, from Opera and Ace, to Gen and Auron, were renowned for their talents at putting it away.

Initially, it seemed like Lenny's match, too. Both were putting it away at a prodigious rate. However, Jecht, seeing a possible edge, transformed into his far, far larger form, picked up a keg, and started chugging.

Unfortunatly, Lenny, while a faster drinker, is worse at actually handling the booze. As he attempted to do the same, he became woozy from the sudden change in height, and smashed into the stands, crushing a few dozen people.

Ah, well. There's no shame in losing to Jecht in a drinking contest, and both of them managed to get commericial contracts, so it's all good.

Even if the idea of Lenny chugging beer in tight shorts, while riding a jet ski, is a little odd.

Jecht: 40
Lenny Curtis: 17