Season 21, Week 2
(Secret of Mana)
As a dueller, Secret of Mana's spirite is a regular bag of tricks. He's got parasitic healing to back up his great damage and plethora of status, not to mention the speed to match. Unfortunately, only the healing would see much use against Valmar's black incarnation - but the good news for Popoi is, healing is all one needs to stop Zera! Draining the life from this demon will give Popoi all the durability in the world, and put a stop to the terror known as Zera Valmar before he can claim a single win to his putrid name.



Are you ready to HUMBLEEEEEEEEEEEE yourself before God? Pope Zera Innocentius is the last and easily most anticipated memeber of the Grandia cast to grace the RPGDL. Wielding the mighty powers of the dark god Valmar, the pope-turned-punisher is ready to illustrate the masses' need for repentance. With the thunderous indignation of the heavens above at his beck and call, not even the magically apt Sprite will be able to handle him for long. It's God's will against the world, and if the Bible's taught us anything, it's that God always triumphs.

So, hundreds of viewers watched in utter delight as the epic battle between..

Wait, this Zera and Popoi. Nevermind.

So, a few bored viewers dozed in the arena as the massive scrubfest battle between a sprite and a messed up moth filled those forced to watch for illegal activities with utter loathing.

Things had pretty much reached a stalemate. Popoi really couldn't hurt Zera, but he was quick enough to cancel the former Pope's moves, so as things dragged on and on Zera got desperate. Calling upon the below average power of Valmar, he flew up and up into the arena on his shiny moth wings...

Popoi was amused. What did that weirdo think he was going to do? And wouldn't going up so high constitute a ringout? The judges pored over the DL rulebook trying to find if someone lost depending on altitude.

All of a sudden the air whistled as a massive object flew down through the air, splitting the wind with its amazing speed. Popoi looked up, far too late, as the immense vehicle of destruction made a beeline for his position in the arena.

Popoi ran...

but it wasn't even close. The object plowed into the ground, turning Popoi into a fine paste. Valmar landed nearby, a triumphant smile on his face. After the judges pulled themselves up after the mild tremor, they looked on at the pieces of Popoi splattered all over the arena. The head judge looked about ready to open his mouth, but eventually he shook his head, shrugged, and declared Zera the winner.

Some miles away, Eliwood of Pherae looked frantically around his training area.

"Where the hell is my Durandal?"

Popoi: 25
Zera Valmar: 34

Adumbro Deus
Poor Zera, this doesn't seem like his round, sure he has powerful attacks, but so does his sprite opponent and the sprite can leach hp from him, giving him the longitivity he requires. And that's how it unfolds, eventually Popoi wittles Zera down to no hp for the win.