After defeating a warrior aligned to water, our Earth Adept finds himself facing off against the Flame Champion himself...who happens to have an affinity to Wind as well. As such, Isaac has linked all four elements together in just two battles in the DL, a rare feat indeed! This, of course, matters not in this match. What does matter is Isaac's good defense stopping Hugo's attacks, and lots of healing to outlast his foes MP supply. Ragnarok's ability to ignore evade will come in handy, as well.
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The Flame Champion has burnt Agrias Oaks to ash with a mixture of searing flame and gusting, feeding winds. The first hurdle is down, and Hugo has no intention of slowing down for this kid Earth Adept, Isaac. Healing Wind will keep pace easily with Potent Cure, and Hugo's speedy knifework will keep initiative on the Grasslander's side. Even if Isaac does prove troublesome, the coup de grace of Hellfire will end any resistance. The Flame Champion shall ascend Heavy's throne this run!