Season 35, Week 1
(Grandia 2)
Elena rises to Heavy, and her first match is... her double?! Indeed, the similarities are shocking between these two fighters, though the irritating difference to Elena is that Ryudo hasn't gotten around to popping the question yet (and may never)! Well, at least she has a Middle Championship to boast, as well as a Heavy season to take her mind off things. Her healing, much like her opponent's, is superb, with plentiful boosts and rather good magical damage to boot. How much these two will be able to damage each other with said magic remains suspect, but at the very least it will be an entertaining match. Which Elena should win, by the way - the songstress of Granas hasn't come all this way to get embarassed in Heavy!



It's going to be one hell of an fight. Rosa, standing strong in her torn, shredded dress. Elena, puffing hard and pounding away at Rosa with all of her might. It's an image to warm even the darkest pervert's heart. The sacred White Wizard of Baron's going to crush Elena based on the oddest things. Her Prisoner's garb blocks Elena's various sleep-based attacks. Thusm all Rosa has to do is cast Wall on Elena to shut down her healing, then outlast her extremely limited SP. With Rosa's nigh-endless clerical resources, it's only a matter of time before a brutally buffed white mage caves poor Elena's face in. It's gonna be a simple fight, but the imagery's sure as hell going to make up for that!

Two pretty, prissy healers fighting it out in an arena.

There was no good way this could end.


"Heal, Elena! Heal more than her!" Ryudo called out.

"Rosa! I know you can do it! Heal! Heal with all your might!" Cecil yelled into the arena.

"Okay. That's it. This is the last time we let Jecht ref a match after getting stoned and watching the Pokemon anime." Ghaleon said, in disgust.

"You said that last time." Royce noted. "...I did, didn't I." Ghaleon sighed.

Ultimately, Rosa's superior magical reserves, as well as the fact that she was more willing to look completely ridiculous in the pursuit of healing mastery, made her the victor.

But the toll was heavy. About fifteen people killed Rosa and Elena some time during the following week.

You'd be amazed how few people like to sit through fourteen hour matches when they could have been avoided by a forfeit.

Elena: 22
Rosa Harvey: 65