Season 35, Week 2
(Legaia: Duel Saga)
Hey hey! Looks like Lang finally got around to inviting his friends into the League, since he couldn’t get that Heavy title himself. Guess Sharon’ll have to show him how it’s done, huh? Looking over her first match, she can’t help but wonder if this is a fight, or just her warm-up exercise. Strong and tanky as he is, Cecil really doesn’t have any way to avoid letting Sharon reach her apokoliptic Mystic Art, which will cut right through his vaunted defenses and leave him a bloody smear on the floor. And that’s not even considering how Sharon runs circles around him, has excellent damage even before her Mystic Art, and that she is highly resistant to holy damage, which is about all the paladinboy uses. This is about as one sided a fight as it gets, folks, which is just the way Sharon like it.



It’s been awhile since he’s done battle in the Arena, but Cecil certainly hasn’t allowed himself to get rusty during his break. No, the paladin’s code requires him to be ever vigilant, ever prepared, always ready to combat whatever evil may rear its ugly head! While his opponent, the newcomer Sharon, may not be either evil or ugly, she’s still a pirate, which is also a pretty big no-no as far as Cecil is concerned. So it looks like he’ll just have to punish her the old fashioned way, with a sword upside the head and his usual refusal to die to anything -ever-. Sharon may be resistant to the power of the Light, but that won’t matter in the face of a true hero’s determination to bring justice and peace into the world. There’s no room for wicked pirates like Sharon on Cecil’s watch!

It was decided that this match would be determined based solely on political power and resources, and who would win based on that aspect.

Cecil is a King. As such, he has an entire country and their resources on his side. Doesn't hurt that this country also happens to have lots of Airships capable of blowing stuff up effortlessly. Not to mention a White Mage for a wife, an angsty Dragoon (the angst matters, since by anime logic, Angst is synomous with unfathomable power!) for a best friend, is friends with a certain Ninja who just HAPPENS to have contacts to a certain Harmonixer and a scientist, and is well known for causing massive mayhem, as well...oh, said Ninja is also the king of his own country too, a country filled with Ninjas at that. I could go on...

Sharon, meanwhile, is a pirate captain. She has a ship, and a bunch of incompetent sailors who'll do whatever she says, yet can't think for themselves, and they thrive in pillaging and running away. And she has an Origin as well.

It wasn't hard to figure out the winner as soon as they saw that Cecil had Ninjas as allies on his side, thus giving him the Edge to counter all of Sharon's tricks...

Sharon: 28
Cecil Harvey: 32