Season 45, Week 3
Garnet til Alexandros
(Final Fantasy IX)
Poor Princess Garnet again faces a bulky physical fighter? What is this poor damsel in distress to do when all her heroes start turning their blades against her? Right; devour them with magic! With her above average speed, Garnet can both get a quick start on the match, and kill Ike’s ability to double. And with Ike’s average magic defense, Garnet’s deadly Mini spell should be able to hit relatively quickly and end the match in a jiffy. Even better, as a pure status spell, she doesn’t even face a counter! Throw in Blind, Protect, and a lot of healing, not to mention her Eidolons, and the Princess has quite the winnable match set up for her this week!



We like Ike! We like Ike! The familiar chants from the crowd of Super Smash Brothers Brawl fill the ears of the hero as he brings Bruiser down to his knees with a well-timed Aether. He’s brave and strong and fast, and all the ladies love it. But before the swooning fangirls can lift Ike up and throw their underwear in his general direction, he has to fight some more. The next opponent is Garnet til Alexandros. Now, Ike is quite used to guarding princesses; killing them isn’t really his expertise. However, a man has to do what a man has to do, and if that means he has to make some lass die with a Ragnell to the face, then that will be done! AETHER!

So, in all of Fire Emblem, has Ike EVER once swung his sword at a female monarch? what's to start him from doing it NOW?

Ike might be a rude mercenary, and one to shoot his mouth off...but he still has manners damn it!

Garnet til Alexandros: 24
Ike: 23