Season 47, Week 2
(Final Fantasy IX)
Garland will knock you all down! Okay, so it's not the same Garland, but he's still got an opponent to reckon with. With his mighty magical powers and domain over the Genomes, Garland is ready to tackle on yet another Duelling League season, aiming to fell his opposition with an iron fist! The first victim of Garland's maneuvers will be the red-cloaked villain Grahf, who, in spite of his plot power, certainly didn't achieve much DL success and is a rather lacking fighter. Lacking the durability to withstand Garland's assault and lacking the speed to outpace the mighty old man, Grahf will be downed like a poor fool, and Garland will move on, to knock them all down with a vengeance!



Ahhh, the Seeker of Power has come to grant Garland his gift of strength. Brutally. To his face. Garland's a pitiful old fool whose main offense is not only pathetic - stopping his enemies? - but horribly inable to deal with a man of Grahf's caliber (and boss status). All Grahf has to do is introduce his enemy to his fists a few times, and the decrepit wretch will crumple like an old Gear. But why stop at that? There's such a bounty of pain and destruction that can be granted to this man, before he is shown Grahf's true gift of power and sent to rend all that oppose him in flame. Like forcing him to read fanfiction. Written about Grahf. Yes, soon Garland will know true pain.


"Next, on our fabulous tour of celebs in the League, theeeeere's Garlandy-warlandy!" A strange, silver-haired...woman? half-squealed to a camera-toting Gobi, as she(?) rushed over to him. "Quick, quick, quick, tell us your strategy for this match!"

Garland paused, as this strange...person babbled inanely at him.

On the one hand, he was already running late for the match.

On the other hand, since when did he give a damn about that? Besides, they'd probably wait long enough for him to take care of some personal issues.

He smiled, and cracked his knuckles.


"I'm still confused." Brey noted, as he watched Garland proceed to beat the hell out of literally nothing at all. "Well, no, I understand why everyone else is seeing what apparently is a very well made up cross-dressing Ghaleon; You actually listened to Edge."

Lexis nodded. "I didn't have any better ideas." He agreed.

"Edge, in turn, somehow always makes money off of betting on Ghaleon's mental instability. And evidently this image projector is very effective, if Gobi will actually film that happening. But why Garland again?"

"Fuse told him he couldn't get in trouble with the law enforcement in the League if he did it." Lexis stated.

"...Okay, that makes sense enough." Brey nodded. "Now, why are you bothering at all to do this?"

Lexis shrugged. "Simple. Edge has kept me from chasing Selphie chasing a train the last time I was inventing anything."

"...Why am I here, then?" Brey asked.

"You're not." Lexis said simply, as the reality around Brey flickered.

"...that's an impressive machine." Brey noted, as he yawned down at his pajamas, and sat up in bed.

Ultimately, Brey wasn't surprised when it turned out that all of this wasn't a dream.

He was, however, very frightened when the image projection machine turned up missing later.

After all, only one other person knew about it...

Garland: 20
Grahf: 33

There's only room for one aging villian in Heavy this season. What better way to settle this dispute than with a comparsion of each's talents?

Resume(s) of a cliched father figure villian:

Grahf- Granter of power, destroys Gears with his bare hands, defeated by the Contact, the Guardian Angel of Solaris, and Miang's backup host body; also partly responsible for the madness of the Contact.
Garland- Creates Zidane and Kuja, loses to said monkeyboys and their addled friends, and is bald; fully responsible for the existance of Zidane Tribal.

The facts were clear. While Grahf was responsible for Fei angst (A crime punishable by Death), Garland.. well.. Zidane. Kuja. He was promptly laughed out of the building- and considering the judges were Seifer, Kletian, and Evil Gaia, it was a bad sign for Garland's chances as future villian of the week.