Season 49, Week 2
Having a name like Poo sucks. People snicker at you wherever you go, you can't excuse yourself to the restroom without someone making a wisecrack, and forget about using online dating services. But Poo isn't bothered, because he has more discipline and self-control than your average recruit meditating monk! He couldn't be more different in that respect than his opponent this week, the "free spirited" sorceress Angela, since she has about as much self control as a sumo wrestler at a sushi bar. Of course, Poo has something else Angela lacks in addition to discipline: speed. And, with that speed, the ability to confuse the poor girl out of using any of her devastating status effects. With the poor girl disabled, her only chance of winning is for Poo to be distracted by her good looks.



Oh, pfft. Such a long rest from the arena and Angela doesn't even get a smidge of eyecandy for her triumphant return? Well, that's just peachy - another stone statue going to the sledgehammer instead of Altenna's castle halls. Because, y'see, this match will be very simple. Poo's massive speed edge and varied skillset mean essentially nothing against Angela's petrifying magic. A single casting of Stone Cloud will end the match here and there, and no amount of Starstorms or ineffectual pokes will save him from this fate. The only question this match will raise is whether even pidgeons would touch a statue of Poo: after all, there are limits even to the dregs of nature. Regardless, maybe this season will bring Angela more souvenirs than dispensable real-sized sculptures once she's done with Poo.

Angela was expecting an easy match. Short, simple, painless.

Angela had prepared a Soft just for Poo, too.

So when a disembodied floating head appeared in front of her before she even got to the arena and told her it was going to take her legs, Angela understandably freaked out.

Hearing that his ancestor spirit got completely shredded by a panicked Angela screaming "YOU'LL NOT TAKE ANY OF MY ASSETS!!!" demoralized Poo enough that he threw the match, anyway.

Poo: 10
Angela: 27