Season 7, Week 3
(Shining Force)
Ramladu's opponent this week can't be more different from his last. While the coarse, cynical Arngrim will probably annoy him less than Maxim, he can't afford to let down his guard. His impressive regeneration and healing means nothing when Final Blast likely kills him in one shot, so he'll have to cut through Arngrim's monstrous HP count fast enough to prevent him from using it. It won't be the cakewalk that beating Maxim was, but Ramladu's sickening physical power should give him the upper hand in this slugfest. It's just too bad that due to his purely spiritual existence, Arngrim won't make that satisfying splat when he falls to the mad monarch's mighty mace.



One of the heroic dead of Asgard, Arngrim is simply here for yet more training before joining the rest of the Einherjar in the final battle of Ragnarok. Few can match his strength and stamina even among his fellow demigods, making his monstrous greatsword a rather unique sight. This week, though, he's pitted against a competitor who's at least as strong as he is despite being merely a fallen king of men. However, Arngrim can take solace in the fact that while they're well matched in the strength of their blows, he can take hits far better than opponent. Ramladu's longevity relies on his massive regeneration and healing, making it far less useful against the Aesir warrior's potent Final Blast - an attack even Ramladu of Runefaust is unlikely to survive.

Dark Holy Elf
Ramladu was shocked. Arngrim had... survived his devastating mace attack. That was very unusual. He couldn't recall the last time it had even happened.

Shrugging, Ramladu hit Arngrim a second time, causing the mercenary to crumple under the brutal smash of the king's mace. A freak occurence, the king decided, as he moved on to the semi-finals to meet his next opponent.

Ramladu: 12
Arngrim: 9

Ramladu can suck up Max physicals like water. I don't think that Arngrim can OHKO him, even with Final Blast, and with Ramladu's regeneration, that spells the end of the arrogant Einherjar.