Season 9, Week 3
Dias Flac
(Star Ocean: The Second Story)
The handsome swordsman Dias, after beating the Wild Arms hero Ashley, is up against a rather fearsome opponent. The dragoon Fogel's powerful attacks are nothing to scoff at - but then again, neither are Dias’ techniques. A few rounds of Chaos Sword should easily bring the dragoon down, allowing Dias to claim an easy victory. With any luck, the blue-haired swordsman can take a few of the dragoon’s attacks and claim his second DL victory.



Fogel moves past his first match, unto a much softer fight. Dias may have been a fighting champion in his own world, but he has never faced someone with the defensive power of Fogel. Fogel can shrug off almost any attack Dias can throw at him, and counter with his amazingly powerful physicals; damage that Dias most certainly won't be able to shrug off. When Fogel gets bored of toying with Dias, Sonic Strike will make a savage end to the fight. Fogel should have an easy walk to the semi-finals.

Dias is a solid heavy. He has high defense and speed, and and can match swords with most fighters.

Fogel isn't like most fighters. He bests Dias in every possible way, including style. It won't take long for the Green Dragoon to put Dias down, and move onto the next round.

Dias Flac: 15
Fogel: 23