Season 10, Week 1
Rosa Harvey
(Final Fantasy IV)
After suffering defeat at the hands of Luca Blight back in Season 3, the original White Mage returns to the Arena determined to prove that she can stand up to the best of Heavy. At first glance, Rosa is in deep trouble against her first opponent; the frail healer can't possibly stand up to the vicious Weretiger. One casting of Mini, however, will be all it takes to turn said Weretiger into a harmless kitty prime for a Holy smiting.



Doesn't that just beat all? Rei returns to the Arena this week, catchphrase in tow. Rei brings many things to a duel, but only two are important against Rosa - his speed and Weretiger transformation. With these he'll certainly cause some damage, but against Rosa's fearsome Holy, he'll need to make all of it count. It comes down to one question: could a single attack of Weretiger "just beat Rosa" into submission?

Lord Windscar
Holy splatters opponents against walls and floors.

Weretiger splatters opponents against walls and floors too, with the addition of chopping them into multiple pieces.

Too bad Rei can't attack on the turn he turns into Weretiger. Blink shuts down any chance he has to hit Rosa and Holy will splatter his remains against the wall.

Rosa Harvey: 32
Rei: 13

Pipe Dreamer
The first thing that Rosa did after becoming queen of Baron was to purge the kingdom of thieves.

Said thieves were eager to help Rei avenge them. Sadly, all that netted them was a Holy in the face and a disqualification for outside interference.

Tonfa Baton
Weretiger is very powerful and scary. The problem is, Rei can't act on the turn of transformation, so Rosa gets a turn before Weretiger can attack.

A Weretoad is not very powerful or scary...