Season 10, Week 3
(Breath of Fire II)
Having beaten one famous soldier of another world, The second incarnation of Ryu sets his sights on a legendary hero this time. Justin has one shot to take down Ryu, and Ryu's high defense and HP ensures that he can live through that one attack. Ryu probably gets only one turn of his own, of course, but one turn is all he needs. One shot of G. Dragon will be sure to annihilate the idealistic adventurer and bring Ryu one step closer to joining his brethren in Godlike.



Justin's had a run that no RPGDL fighter can claim to match. It appeared that the hero of New Parm was finished as a dueller after two straight downgrades, but Justin kept his spirit and managed an exciting charge through Middle. Now with his Heavy spot safe thanks to his epic victory over Melbu, Justin's done what he wanted. His name is restored, and he has defeated a great evil in his return to heavy. All that's left for him is to give Ryu2 a good fight, then enjoy the fruits of his well-earned victories.

Rune stood, smirking in the arena. Although he had made peace with Justin last week, he still wasn't above enjoying what was about to happen. His opposite in Justin was supposed to go up against Ryu2, a fighter that clearly outmatched him in most ways. And Rune had front row seats to see the carnage for himself. The two had already been led to the ring, and the match was about to start.


Once he heard the words from the ref, Ryu wasted no time in preparing his best move, G. Dragon. With a wordless roar, he fired the attack off, scoring a direct hit on Justin.

The arena was filled with smoke and dust from the explosion, and among the fallout, Rune smiled. Ah, revenge was sweet...

"Huh. So Feena was right!" A teenager's voice sounded off in the center of the slowly clearing dust.

Rune was utterly stunned. How could the idiot survive such a blast? No PC, not even Justin, is thick skinned enough to survive it.

"I'm glad I listened to her, and used Immortal Aura before the battle! That move looked like an adventure not even I want to take!"

With that admission, the ref looked sharply over to Justin. "You know that using stat buffers before the match aren't allowed, son. I'm afraid I'm going to have to disqualify you. Winner, Ryu2!"

"Oh well." With that, Justin shrugged and ran over to Feena. "Honey, I guess I'm done for this season. Want to go out to eat?" Once Feena nodded, Justin grinned, hugged his wife, and walked out of the arena, without a cut on him. As he passed, he caught Rune in the corner of his eye, and waved. "Hi, Rune! Thanks for coming to see me. Oh well, there's always next time. Hope you'll join me in heavy soon!"

Justin wondered why Rune started cursing and ranting as soon as he turned around. "Maybe he lost his wallet?" Justin looked over to Feena. His wife looked over as they were walking out, and saw a visabily restrained Rune shrieking for "That idiot's head!" Chucking, Feena grabbed Justin and dragged him out of the arena."I think he did lose his wallet, sweetie. Come on, let's go eat."

Ryu: 36
Justin: 7

Major Damage
I guess Rune will be finally be satisfied, eh?