Season 12, Week 1
(Shining Force 2)
After dominating Middle in a thorough fashion last season, Zalbard is anxious to show his new division what he's made of in his Heavy debut. His good durability, blistering speed, and devastating attacks may not stand out as much in this division as they do in Middle, but he plans to take advantage of his strengths nevertheless. Id is a very similar fighter to the Greater Devil, and this week Zalbard will simply pelt Id with his attacks and hope his high offensive power can kill Id quickly…



As the incarnation of power and hatred, the fearsome Id looks to his debut match in the DL with a sneer. The Demon of Elru is well-known for his devastating damage in melee combat if nothing else, being able to fell even Gears with his bare hands. As such, he couldn't have hoped for a better opponent to start off with. Zalbard employs a similar fighting style - only inferior. Having taken down a colony and a large-scale army singlehandedly in his past, Id hardly has to try here: his double Raijin deathblows will make short work of the half-rate devil.

The Greater Demons held a pre-match meeting.

"Heh. I can't believe a weakling like you could have possibly won a match," said Geshp.

"I can't believe that you lost to Serge," retorted Zalbard.

"That's enough, both of you. Now, we're all proud that you made it up to Heavy, Zalbard, but you can't afford to get cocky," said Cameela.

"I'd have to agree. Id is stronger than anything you saw in Middle. This match won't be easy for you," said Odd Eye.

"Don't worry. I'll do my best," Zalbard said, and then left through the door.

The other Greater Demons waited for a minute, then resumed their discussion.

"So he's screwed, right?" asked Cameela.

"Of course. Even I can see that."

Geshp paused for a minute, then began to laugh. "I get it! It's funny because you're blind!"

"Can I hit him?"

"Be my guest, Cameela."


_ _ _

The match was quick and bloody. Zalbard and Id wasted no time in pressing their attack, rushing forward just as soon as they entered the arena grounds. While Zalbard struck first, it was Id who drew first blood, crippling Zalbard's left arm with a lucky blow. Snarling from the pain, Zalbard grabbed Id and slammed him to the ground.

The next thing Zalbard knew, he had been thrust in the air by Id's legs. Quickly, he was flexing his arcane muscle for a powerful Bolt spell, but he never got the chance to use it. Id had jumped up after his prey, grabbed Zalbard, and had thrown him out of the arena.

However, there was some consolation for Zalbard. In a show of respect for a fight well-fought, Id bowed before he laughed his way out of the arena.

Zalbard: 9
Id: 21