Season 16, Week 2
Nicholai Conrad
(Shadow Hearts: Covenant )
Handsome, charming, possessed by a demon; what's not to love about this debuting duelist? Cardinal Nicholai Conrad commands the power of the demon Astaroth, greatest of the three demon lords, and it is this power that will propel him to the top of the crowd. Even KOS-MOS's sturdy metal frame will break and bend beneath the powerful magicks that at Nicholai's disposal, turning the renowned robot into a pile of scrap in just a few seconds.



Her F-Scythe is fully operational. Her armor is polished to a gleam. Her attacks are fully loaded. Her pose shows no emotion. The deadly battle android KOS-MOS is back, and pity the poor fools who stand in her way. Ether Limit boosts her damage far beyond Nicholai's ability to handle it, and a few uses of X-Buster should quickly convince the scheming cardinal that he's in way over his head in a fight with one of Heavy's finest warriors.

Target: Male, human, possessed.

Weaknesses: Harmonixers, red haired women in skimpy outfits.

Solution: Dye hair red, shoot target while staring at design.

Success: Assured.

Nicholai Conrad: 12

Demon Lord > Battle Android