Season 21, Week 3
(Suikoden II)
One old man, two old men ... what is this? Some kind of old-folks' home?! Honestly, this is starting to get ridiculous! Well, it doesn't matter what tricks this decrepit old warrior might have up his sleeve - they're not going to matter! Adray can't possibly keep up with the speedy ninja he faces this week. Regardless of what magic he tries to cast, he's going to need time to cast it, and in that time Wakaba can leap, feet first, into Adray's face and pummel him with her powerful legs until he finally submits. Barring that, of course, she can simply make use of the White Tiger Rune to rip Adray into tiny bits. Either way, he'll be interrupted before he can get a spell off, and broken in half before he knows what hit him.



Frustrated with Adray's continuing domination of Light? Then get stronger! Armed to the teeth with devastating magic, this geezer is a force to reckon with. And luckily for him, he's fighting a woman! No, don't think perverted thoughts, dear readers: this just means Adray won't have any qualms about smashing her little face in, as he won't have any interest in setting her up with his daughter! With the only possible advantage for any opponent out of this match, there's nothing to stop Adray from plowing through the young martial artist: her White Tiger Rune will pale before Adray's devastating Emotion Torrent, ending this match quick enough for Adray to keep looking for a suitable suitor for his beloved Clair.

Let's review.

Adray is a talented mage, with physical fighting skills.

Wakaba is a talented fighter, with no magic.

Adray was a noted figure in his country for his military skills.

Wakaba was a random girl training under a martial artist.

Adray is a creepy old man.

Wakaba is a young girl.

The conclusion is obvious.

Wakaba hires Clive to try assassinating Adray before the match, out of fear, and runs as far from the arena as possible when this fails.

The moral of the story:

Never rely on RPG guns.

Wakaba: 24
Adray Lasbard: 41