Season 23, Week 3
(Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword)
As a world class assassin, Jaffar never really cared for goofy things, and least of all the circus. And ESPECIALLY not clowns. While Bolgan might not have the full makeup, his little sideshow act amounts to the same thing in this hardened killer's mind. Therefore, he'll be looking to end this match as quickly as possible with one of his killer criticals. Even if those fail to trigger, Jaffar's strikes are nothing to be sneezed at, especially on a double. Jaffar might not be fireproof, but he's also tough enough to endure Bolgan's fire-breathing ways. Anything to stop those wretched clowns!



After downing the Lord of the Nine Hells, Jogurt, you'ld think that Bolgan would have the rest of the season in the bag, right? Wrong. The road ahead for this stalwart fire-breather is still fraught with darkness, this time in the form of the Angel of Death, Jaffar. He may share his name with a Disney villain, but Jaffar bears watching nonetheless. Bolgan can't keep up in the speed category, but he'll still pack a punch in his hits, and his fire breath will force his foe to keep his distance. If he plays his cards right, Bolgan can move on to further the cause of all that is good in the DL.

There's a little known fact about Jaffar.

When he was a wee little lad, his class mates would make fun of his constantly expression, which was forever stucj in a frown. When he worked in the Four Fangs, his worker's children constantly said stupid things like "Why do you always wear black, mister." and "Mommy said you should never play with sharp things, you might hurt somebody." When became a father of two sons, their constant whining made him wish he never went for the quiet life (he would later run away from home, putting the blame on assassins who were after him or some such). Worst of all, he couldn't solve these problems in his usual way, lest he feel the wrath of his school master/guild master/wife.

As you can guess, this made him have a, shall we say, certain dislike for little kids.

Thus, when Jaffar met Bolgan, he of the childlike face and personality, an eye twitched....

...And when the match ended, everyone could only look at the arena with a horrified expression as years upon years of pent up rage was unleashed upon the poor circus giant, leaving behind a huge mess for Odin and crew to clean-up.

Who'd have thought the human body contained that much blood and could be sliced into so many pieces.

Jaffar: 50
Bolgan: 4

Ahhh, Bolgan.

Poor Bolgan.

Poor mocked Bolgan.

It's really just not right to read a book while your opponent misses you over and over again, the finish the battle by tickling him into fleeing the field.

But hey, it's the first time Jaffar smiled on record!