Season 23, Week 4
(Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword)
The body count is rising in Light, as the Black Fang's deadliest Assassin is on the prowl. Two weaklings sought to challenge him and were downed; this week will be no different. Snowe Vingerhut may have daddy's Water Rune to heal his wounds, but this won't help him; Jaffar's skill with a blade is beyond even Snowe's dreams, and his Killing Edge shall Silence the young lordling, healing and all, with a swiftness that may be too much for Light. Suikoden offered the Angel of Death no challenge last week, and with Snowe Vingerhut as its final champion, the outcome shall be the same.



Snowe is on the warpath, out to destroy all that stand in his way! First he defeated a proud pirate, then he brought down the brave warrior Bartre. He now faces another Fire Emblem character, the mysterious and sneaky assassin Jaffar. But the air of mystery around him doesn’t scare Snowe! He is rough enough to smack some etiquette into the somewhat lacking murderer. Snowe shall pierce Jaffar with his sword and stun him with his beauty and glamour, and bring himself yet another sweet victory against a mindless brute.

I was quite fond of putting Snowe into my party because of his nice attack and excellent Co-ops with Hero 4 in both Suikoden 4 and Suikoden: Tactics, but we all must face it; By his lonesome, Snowe is like garbage. I was actually quite partial to Jaffar, for he was one of the better pre-promotes, with relatively high stats. Jaffar wins.

Jaffar: 37
Snowe: 8

Blissfully unaware of the outcomes of the day's matches, Lazlo knocked on Snowe's door, whistling idly.
Snowe's voice drifted faintly through the door. "Don't... ouch... come in."
Lazlo's panic was so evident Snowe continued. "I'll be alright... in a few days... Jaffar was just... ouch..."
Lazlo didn't really hear anything after Jaffar. Left hand shaking slightly, he stormed off to find the assassin. Anyone who hurt his friend like that was dead. Dead!
Unfortunately, Jaffar's room was well guarded by the various factions of DL security. Apparently they didn't take kindly to fighters being mutilated before matches.
But Lazlo could wait. Oh yes...