Season 23, Week 5
(Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword)
This seasoned Assassin's journey through Light is at last coming to a close. With his experience and kill, it was child's play for the former terror of the Black Fang to slaughtering three straight weakling foes. Facing off against a mere spellcaster from the same series as he won't make Jaffar break a sweat, much less lose. Doubling Artur is enough to put the young sage at a crushing disadvantage, since with Jaffar getting so many turns, a hit with Silencer is just around the corner...



Like Lucius seasons ago, another monk has made it to the Light finals. But unlike Lucius, Artur will emerge from this battle a champion. Jaffar, while terrifying to many, stands no chance at defeating a righteous holy warrior of Elmine. His Divine tome held high, Artur shall pray for the purification of Jaffar's tortured soul, and set him free from the bonds that have held him to this world. A divine cleansing and victory await the great monk, a reward for the greatest of the church's servants.

Jaffar is faster, has crappy Res and crappy Luck.

Artur has more range, has crappy Def and crappy Luck.

Seems close. However, Jaffar lives his life killing people for a living.

Artur meanwhile, lives his life in a remote village somewhere destroying the suck that is FE8 randoms.

This won't end well for Artur.

Jaffar: 45
Artur: 13
Wow, Jaffar doubles artur in my book and with a nice killing edge, easily 1HKO with his high crit percentage.

Bye bye artur.