Season 24, Week 1
(Shining Force)
Dragons. Implacable foes in RPGs from the very beginning and a race that's seen its fair share of successes here in the duelling league, counting even multiple Godlike champions. So what is this one doing in the lowest division of the league? Trying to fight his way out. Bleu wasn't always a resident of the DL's lowest division, and he's getting out of there. Josh Kain will be an easy first step on the road back to Middle. The wrecker's skills are wasted on something non-robotic. With solid durability and a potent lightning breath, Bleu shall climb his way to glory.



Josh Kain, the Wrecker, is in a pickle: the lack of mechanical foes in Light makes his job kind of worthless. No matter - a stiff beating with laconian maces works just as well as fancy wrecking tools! Bleu may be a dragon, but he's very low-key in the RPGDL brood, while Kain is physically fit and hardy. Bleu's draconic breath will avail him not against Kain's sturdy laconian armour, and, with some creative footwork, a couple blows to the head will put the poor dragon out of his misery. While a complete disgrace to Puff, Bleu can at least take solace in putting Kain a step closer to a championship.

Joshua Kain was excited.

"Allllright! This is the first chance in this league I've had to wreck anything! And Dragons are just as good as any machine!"

It was true. By some strange quirk, Kain could, in fact, use his Wrecking skills on dragons, on his homeworld. It was inexplicable-they didn't especially look mechanical-but true. And Kain was sure it'd work here, on other dragons.

He was right, too. As Bleu hurtled towards him, preparing to strike, Kain cast his Brose spell, and watched as Bleu suddenly slumped in mid-flight.

He was so delighted that it never actually occured to him to move. Bleu promptly smashed him in the chest. He fell directly backwards, smashed his head against the floor, and went out like a light.

The judges puzzled this match out for a while.

You see, it's a classic decision (Though, perhaps, one not always held to.) that suicide attacks result in a draw or a loss on the person suiciding-after all, they died first. It's not universal-Bosses, for instance, often win this way.

Most of the time, the judges simply force the suiciding person to act as Sten or Brahne's personal masseuse(Depending on the sex of the offender.) for a few weeks, after making the call, so it simply does not come up much.

However, Bleu hadn't used a suicide attack, and his blow had started first...

So, Bleu, despite being dead and Kain being alive at the end of the match, had successfully won.

At last check, Kain placed a want ad for a person to kick him in the ass repeatedly. I guess he got tired of doing it himself.

Bleu: 21
Josh Kain: 15