Season 26, Week 2
Colette Brunel
(Tales of Symphonia)
Oops! Our clumsy little Chosen has stumbled upon her first match here in Light, and boy is it a doozy! While Melville's swordsmanship is decent (by little boy standards anyway), Colette's chakrams are far deadlier - remember Xena? Yeah, you get the picture. With her devastating Stardust Cross and Triple Ray Satellite, Colette can easily keep Melville on the defensive, as, like most little boys, he'll keel over with even the lightest tap. And should she desire, Colette's angelic magic can turn the tide in a blink: with Holy Song and Judgment backing Colette up, Melville will find himself hard-pressed to stop her.



Saint Loa Knights, march! After a long break from combat, the swordsman of rage returns for another chance to mix it up. Although a small child, Melville's an accomplished fighter, having clashed blades with the Harmonian army along with the Flame Champion. His strength lies in his surprisingly good critical attacks - with a Chief's Hat, he's the only Suikoden 3 character besides Juan who can boast an S in Heavy Damage. His razor-sharp sword and critical strikes are more than enough to punch through a clumsy failure like Colette. Child or not, Melville's a warrior, and certainly has his honor on the line. He won't falter against such a lightweight.

"Psst. You sure this is gonna work?" Elliot looked worried. "Collete's a good fighter."Melville just shrugged. "If this doesn't work, I try to fight her. I'd prefer to win without bloodshed, though. Anyway.. Elliot! Alanis! Get ready!" "Saint Loa Knights, in formation!"

Melville lead Elliot and Alanis, who marched lock step into the ring. "Hey, Colette!" Melville waved to his opponent. "Wanna join our game instead of fighting? This'll be much more fun." The Chosen smiled. "Sure. "Melville handed over his sword to Colette. "Now, march in a straight line in front of us. You can even lead!"

Collete laughed, and ran out in front of the rest of the knights. "I'm the leader now... ya*thud*" The always clumsy Colette had tripped.. and jammed the hilt of Melville's sword in her face, knocking her out cold. Melville nudged the young woman out of the ring. The judges shrugged at this entire chain of events, and ruled Melville the winner.

Melville quickly grabbed his sword, and stirred Colette. "Ooops. You knocked yourself out of the ring when you tripped. Oh well. Want to go play some more?"


Colette Brunel: 39
Melville: 43

Unfortunately, Colette tripped and broke the laws of physics on the way to the arena.

They found her blazing phoenix-like across the sky, coated in a flame that did not burn, flying on wings of lightning whose piercing shriek could be heard for miles, an awe-inspiring and beautiful sight.

Then she blew up.

Well, that's what healers are for.

Melville sure as hell feels shown up, though.