Season 28, Week 5
Sophia Esteed
(Star Ocean: Till the End of Time )
The nerve of that Fayt! Saying he’s not coming to see her last match because it wouldn‘t be interesting! Sure, Sophia is a lock to win with her vastly superior spells, but that's no excuse! I mean, how can it not be interesting to watch her just cast Silence on Genis and mock the half-elf’s inability to do anything but cry? Or perhaps destroy his MP with Southern Cross and rely on her parasitic Blood Scylla to cancel any damage he manages to land on her through Reflection? But what’s the point in grinding another dueler into dust if Fayt’s not watching her do it? *sigh* Oh well… Sophia will have to content herself with just taking a Light championship. Maybe then Fayt will pay more attention to her.



The smartest little kid in the DL has blasted his way to the Light finals with the power of Indignation and Meteor Swam. Sophia won't be any different from his other opponents. Although her spells can slow down his agonizing assault, she can’t stop Genis from turning her into a scorch mark on the arena floor with his magic. Her own spells can be laughed off with Force Field, and her pitiful status attacks just give him more time to obliterate her with his greatest spells. Sophia may have more tricks, but Genis has more offense, and he intends to show Sophia that’s what really matters in a battle between mages. He’ll be quick about it too, since he wouldn’t want to keep Raine waiting at his victory celebration!

After the story of Purim's victory and the final results finally got around someone got somewhat intrigued with just what it was the drove Purim into the ventilation ducts and the fascination with Suikoden males. Well after one of the contestants had one and the other was no where to be found an investigation was performed. The results are as follows.

One new bottle of Tequila was stolen from the League Bar and later found half full in a gutter near the Suikoden male locker room. One small top was found nearby. A ventilation grill was removed and had not been replaced. A sleeping topless youth was found inside sleeping of previously stated half bottle of Tequila. The name of the youth cannot be disclosed under youth protection laws.

In other news, Sophia won her match by default today.

Sophia Esteed: 39
Genis Sage: 33
Sophia's made the finals! This is a time to celebrate and Sophia wont hesitate to put the half-elf away, a Seraphic garb and boots of prowess make her defense high enough not to hurt and with quite a high intelligence through synthesis her magic would be too much for Genis to handle, Ironically Rena from the previous Star Ocean defeated an Amy Sage, took awhile to figure out who to vote for on that one but nonetheless Rena wont be the only Star Ocean charicter to have defeated someone with the last name "sage", finally she uses an ice spell then breaks Genis, after she wins Fayt shows up then Fayt takes her to Papa Gino's to celebrate her victory and realises how lucky he is to have such a wonderful cutie.

Let's compare Genis and Sophia in all the places it counts. He is intelligent, while she forgets to zip her pants when she puts them on. He has the magic of the elven race (or at least half of it) while she is a college girl/DiD. He has an Indignation Judgement, Tidal Wave and about 20 other powerful spells while she has 15 spells that take a minute to actually come into effect. I mean what person with sight actually gets hit with her Explosion or Blood Stylla for more than a second when she has no meat shield? She has a tiny little wand that can't cut butter and has a range so small, she gets a kendama to the brain if she tries anything at all, which would probably make her unable to cast magic or think for a while. Lastly, if they both run out of MP for some reason, she dies and he just stands there and laughs. So unless she forgets to zip up a different part of her clothes, hint-hint, she's got no chance. Oh, and before I forget, I actually like Sophia too, so I actually DO know what I'm talking about.

Sophia would have to many miscellenous magics (Symbols) to teach the smart kid that he ain't so smart after all, you need more then offense to win a magic battle

I'm currently pretending that the Light final doesn't actually exist. Please leave your message at the sound of the beeping, you bastards! /_\>\'