Season 29, Week 3
(Suikoden Series)
Viki's on a roll now, baby. In the blink of an eye (and a rune), Mallow was whisked gleefully to a random location. Maybe he's intact, maybe the spell left him in little, fluffy pieces. Viki doesn't care - she probably even doesn't remember. But with the former Light champion gone, all that's left for Viki to do is clean up the scrubs, starting with Kelvena here. The Water Element is a classic example of an over-ranked Puny, packing damage that scares no one, and durability that falls over in a stiff breeze. While being a boss may save Kelvena from a quick death via Ready! and Go!, there's still Set! to drop everything including the kitchen sink on her pretty little head and give her a concussion of epic proportions.



After taking down Cinna in a clash of titans, the Element of Water is ready for another battle, against another foe who couldn't outslug wheat toast - and Viki probably couldn't out-think it, either. While a battle of wits between the two ladies might end in a quick and bloodless slaughter, a battle to the death might take a little more time. Okay, let’s not mince words, this might be the longest match in the history of the league. Kelvena’s ice magic and healing should make this a pretty easy win for her, but Viki’s magic defense means that it will take a very large amount of ice magic to kill her. But Kel has endless resources, so she’s in this fight for the long haul. It might be a few days long, but she WILL win.

Viki is random.

Perhaps this is the most obvious statement in the history of the world. Perhaps not. Surely, someone has pointed at the sun at some point and remarked that it is hot.

Regardless, it doesn't make it less true.

However, Kelvena was a seasoned warrior, a graduate of Jugend and one of the Elements. A little random luck wasn't going to stop her.

However, a lot managed it.

As Viki prepared to cast Set! upon her opponent, she sneezed.

And so, Vendetta, Ramsus' Omnigear, promptly appeared.

And landed on Kelvena.

On the upside, Ramsus was actually in the Gear. He felt so bad about not successfully checking the fall, that he's now visiting Kelvena, who he basically didn't give the time of day before, in the hospital. Every day.

Kelvena, normally calm and somewhat emotionless, was heard to be thanking god for getting squished lately. I guess a spurned fangirl getting her fondest wishes has that effect.

Viki: 42
Kelvena: 37

Its Viki.

Come on people, use your common sense.