Season 29, Week 4
(Suikoden Series)
Viki's heard the rumors about the terror inducing student of Flenceburg. *Yawn* Who cares? All that hype and flashy magic is silly and wasteful, and Viki's seen far more dangeorus madmen in her travels throughout the Suikoden universe. While Lezard's insanity might approach that of even Luca Blight or Arshstat of Falena, his power certainly doesn't. Those powers may be great in theory, but Lezard's best known for dying to a sneeze and possessing little to no ability in an actual battle. A walk through a garden before the match will arm Viki with all the firepower that she needs to blow Lezard out of the arena, even if it means she might disappear shortly afterward.



Ahahahahahahaha! The arch-mage Lezard Valeth will soon show the world that his relegation to Light was a complete mistake! Lezard's foe, the Blinking Runist Viki, is nothing more than an ant at Lezard's feet! Her magic power and physical endurance are pathetic! Lezard can just wait and let Viki blink herself away - but, should he desire to show off his power, a casting of Meteor Swarm or Celestial Star will turn the little girl into dust, and his own Reflect Sorcery spell will prevent her from landing her paltry magicks on the renowned magus. There is no mercy for the damned, little girl, and no escape from the grasp of catastrophe! Ahahahahahahahahaha!

Starphoenix das Helpoemer
In a battle of epic magical proportions, the stadium needs to be reinforced for the powerful magics that will be tossed around carelessly like a baby with a soft spot. The battle will assuredly scar the very fabric of reality with its shear...

Okay... there's only so much one can keep a straight face for. And as some joker switched on the anti-magic field in the RPGDL arena, Viki and Lezard are reduced to a slap fight. I'll give you three guesses as to who probably has more experience in that department.

I'll give you a hint, he's a dead ringer for an older, more perverted Harry Potter.

Viki: 44
Lezard Valeth: 55

As hard as it might be to swallow, Viki fanboys, she's nothing without her magic. Reflect Sorcery deflects anything targeted on him, including the Blinking Rune

Go Relm and Viki!