Season 1, Week 2
Malak Galthana
(Final Fantasy Tactics)



Sir Alex
What can Malak do? Whack with a stick! What has Rico got? Game best natural defense!

Malak Galthana: 4
Rico Banderas: 6

Malak: His attack power, while nowhere near Rico's level, is stil very good for Light. Eventually, he will wear Rico down.

Malak can probably widdle down The Low HP Rico with his normal attack before Rico can deal enough damage to take Malak down.

Dark Holy Elf
Malak can barely touch Rico.

Malak isn't slow, and can give good beats with his stick. Add in that's he's automatically equipped with an Elf Mantle...
(Dark Holy Elf response): Being (a) male, and (b) in a class with mediocre Magic Power, Malak's stick beats are unimpressive. Also, Malak doesn't get an Elf Mantle; that's Rafa. He gets 108 Gems.

Have I mentioned how much I hate Light matches? Bah...they're never interesting. Anyway, Rico should kill Malak about 80 years before Malak kills him ( granted, the match will be about 70 years long anyway ).

Jack Power
The fight is over as soon as Rico closes for a deathblow.