Season 36, Week 4
Rudolf Steiner
(Phantasy Star 2)
There's an old saying about never bringing a crossbow to a laser-gun fight. While this snobby little brat has had a good run, he's about to come face-to-face with a man who could really show him a thing or two about projectile weaponry. Rudolf Steiner is a man who's certainly not going to give an inch to any sniveling prat like Algus, and he's looking forward to teaching the kid a few lessons - not just on how to fight, but what being a real man is all about. The deadly accurate hits from his NeiShot will put a serious hurting on Algus, while his Crescegear will allow him to heal off Algus' pathetic damage during battle. All in all, it's not looking too good for the arrogant Algus, who, to the delight of everyone watching, will surely be taken down a peg or two.



Llewelyn claimed the mantle of godhood but proved yet another quivering fool. It's come to this now. The gods themselves are unworthy of being even near such a man of fine breeding like Algus. Surely they know his divine right to rule at last. No matter. Even if they argue, it's nothing a firm sword to the face can't solve. Rudo's another in a line of the unending, bleating masses - someone who claims to have "power" but can't fend for himself. Respect will be taught to all of the lower classes. Guns are pathetic weapons unworthy of a noble's time. Algus can easily close in and slaughter this pathetic wretch whenever he wants. The only question is if he will torment Rudo and show him the true errors of his ways before granting him death.

Have you ever heard the old saying, "Never bring a sword to a gunfight."?

Wait, is that really an old saying?


"Huh. I thought sure that saying's been around for ages." Rudolf Steiner mumbled, staring blankly at the smirking Algus. "Anyone else know?" He called out to the crowd.

Rudolf, tallying crowd members cries (usually confirming that it was an old saying.), completely ignored the hail of crossbow bolts Algus was firing at him.

"Well, anyways, it holds true with a crossbow, even if it's not old. Wouldn't you agree?" The now-studded-with-bolts Hunter shrugged, hefted his Nei Shot, and proceeded to prove his point aptly.

The moral of the story is simple.

No matter how clever you try to be in distracting your opponent, ultimately it's not enough...if you just plain suck.

Rudolf Steiner: 46
Algus Sadalfas: 20