Season 37, Week 1
Long considered the most skilled of Tir McDohl's guaridans, and indeed, one of Toran Liberation Army's finest, Cleo's tumble to Light came as quite an embarassing shock. Is this the same woman who defeated Edge Eblan? Well, the road back to respect has to start somewhere, and where better than with one of the oldest duellers in the book? Black Wizard may have more than a few tricks up his sleeve, but he's badly outmatched by the Star of Destiny on all fronts. With her Fire Rune and her swift knife-arm, Cleo can unleash punishment to either of her stabbity-inclined foe's defences, both of which happen to be subpar. Meanwhile, his own inaccurate status magic will struggle even more than usual against Cleo's excellent magic defence. Cleo's going to show Black Wizard how a true attack magician fights, and for once, maybe an old dog will learn a new trick.



The original Final Fantasy spellslinger, the original warlock holding the very fabric of destruction between his fingertips, rotting in Light?! What kind of twisted universe - no, what kind of sickening joke is this? Black Wizard's no laughing stock or internet meme gone horribly wrong, but instead a serious, deadly competitor with a large variety of spells made to toast even the strongest of foes. Cleo's a tough nut to crack for most fighters, boasting excellent overall stats and a respectable physical. However, nothing in her limited arsenal gives her the ability to match spells with such deadly cantrips as Flare, Death, and of course any of the BW's gruesome elemental spells of choice. Cooking Cleo's just a matter of picking the right spell and firing it as many times as needed against Tir's loyal servant, and no experienced dog should lose to a drooling mutt.

As the rather generic Black Wizard made his way to the arena where he was supposed to be fighting, he was surprised(insomuch as a generic character such as himself can feel surprise) to find Cleo leaning up against the wall in the hallway, apparently waiting for him.

As he approached, she just nodded and shrugged at him, "Yeah, I figured nobody would have remembered to tell you. Looks like we got booked to fight at the same time as someone else, so we're being shunted over into a spare arena. Closest one they've got available is the old Breath of Fire 3 arena. Come on, let's get over there and get this over with."

Sensing nothing amiss(as if a generic character could actually sense such things), the Black Wizard mutely followed along behind Cleo and the pair wound their way over to the town of Genmel, and into the arena, where a pair of rather bemused judges were waiting for them.

Turning to her opponent, Cleo jerked her thumb over to a trio of doors, "Alright, there's three different places we can fight here, so let's flip a coin to see which one. I'll flip, you call it in the air, alright?"

Nodding, the Black Wizard predictably called 'Heads' as Cleo flipped up the coin, caught it, slapped it over onto the back of her other hand and then grinned at him, "Looks like tails. We'll settle this in the Null Magic Hall then. Sorry, but I'm not the type to pass up an advantage where I can get it."

Shrugging, as he did lose the coin toss fair and square, the Black Wizard fought Cleo in the Null Magic Hall, and predictably got thoroughly crushed by the sword throwing attendant.

As the Wizard left after getting healed, Cleo just shook her head in amazement and handed Richmond back his coin, "You were right. Those 8 bit characters will buy anything."

Cleo: 50
Black Wizard: 23