Season 40, Week 1
Kwanda Rosman
One of the Empire's former Generals, Kwanda Rosman has much to atone for. However, that won't matter - what will matter here is that he has nigh-impenetrable armor and a sword, which should be more than enough to handle this pathetic lout called Laguna Loire. His aloof demeanor, his long hair, his lack of responsibility and his pathetic machinegun can do essentially nothing to Kwanda's unholy resilience. However, Kwanda's blade should do a number against the man. And, in spite of the name, Laguna's Desperado limit is as useless against Kwanda as his gun. As such, the armored knight has no fears - triggering a limit is not a worry, and Kwanda's blade shall bring its judgment to pass.



The Man with the Machine Gun, Leader of Esthar, and all around nice guy is back, and he's ready to kick some ass and chew bubble gum, except he doesn't really chew bubble gum since they rot your teeth (remember kids, brush daily)! His first victim for this season is Kwanda, who's big, clunky, slow, and covered in armor a lot more low-tech than the ones worn by the Esthar soldiers Laguna shot up in his Galbadia days. Ah, such fond memories Oh, and Kwanda's damage is bad enough to trigger Laguna's Limit once or twice, so he'll be getting a few grenades to the face too, which'll reduce that metal armor to complete and utter slag. Hah! Looks like an easy win for this soldier turned journalist!

Good news for Laguna! He's probably getting off a Limit Break in this battle. In fact, Laguna was so happy about this fact, he was totally prepped up and ready to strut his stuff!

Of course, Laguna being Laguna, is also a klutz. The moment he tries to pull off a Desperado, his leg cramps up and he slips from the rope he regularly hangs on to. Not only did he come crashing down, he also ended up bombing himself with his own grenade.


"You're right Ward. We REALLY shouldn't be surprised by this. It is Laguna", Kiros managed to say as he looked at his mute friend who just shrugged in exasperation when they saw Laguna blast off from the arena.

"On the plus side, at least he won't be in office for a week. We won't be forced to listen to him playing Seifer Rap while working"

Kwanda Rosman: 42
Laguna Loire: 20