Season 41, Week 2
(Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword)
Lowen is truly a tragic figure in the ranks of Lycia's Knightdom. A master chef blessed by the stars of gastronomy, sporting a faultless taste for spices and recipes, stuck within the relentless winds of battle and war. However, he will find he is not alone this week, for he faces someone who, phantom fish dinner disasters aside, is almost as skilled a cook as he is. The shopkeeper Tia has all the markings of a great housewife and chef, and, for that, she has this lowly cavalier's admiration. But that will not stop Lowen from giving his all! Tia severely lacks the sturdiness that the scruffly-haired horserider boasts, and while she has quite the speed edge this won't matter the minute Lowen scores a Killer Lance critical. The best consolation she can hope for is trading cooking secrets and ingredients once the battle's over, though. After all, even in the arena, master chefs stick together!



Tia may not be a Valkyrie or a battle tested general like some ladies who shall be left nameless for now, but she's also not a complete pushover by any standards of the word. This shopkeeper turned fighter is going to whip Lowen into shape with the same ease that she fries up dinner in her trusty frypan, and dispose of him just as easily! Tia may have to be careful of Lowen's physical attacks, sure, but she can take at least one shot, which is all she'll need! And she has a trump card - Drowsy. With her far superior speed, she can fire off two castings of the status spell at once before Lowen can react, putting the hapless cavalier under her sway and leaving him defenseless to a good thwack or ten across the skull. With plenty of healing available to her, and dangerous IP attacks to put the fight away if the match goes too long, well.. it's going to suck to be a Paladin in light this season.

All Tia has to do to beat Lowen is be completely silent (hair in the eyes, you see). Unfortunately, Tia's a bit too talkative to do that and she really can't stand up to many of Lowen's blows.

Lowen: 28
Tia: 27