Season 42, Week 1
(Legend of Dragoon)
Oh my, such insecurity, such worrying! Shana still can't seem to capture Dart's heart after so many hardships, and she has tried so hard! But oh, oh, oh! She has a new chance! She can prove that her Dragoon powers can actually get her a Light championship (and they should - quite fearsome thing in spite of Shana's outright incompetence), and that might sway Dart's heart! In her newfound calling, she will have to go through a gruelling road, though. And it starts with... erm, scratch that, Riddel is woefully pathetic. Not even Shana's horrendous frailty struggles to withstand the staff whacks, and Riddel's healing is easily outmatched by the power of the White Silver Dragon! Whew! This is a good start for Shana to win Dart back! Lavitz, just you wait...



By the power of holy viper, Riddel shall take down all evil! Of course, she is currently facing a fellow Holy aligned magess, but given Shana’s personality and the ancient evil she holds within her, evil is certainly an accurate enough term! Whatever darkness rests inside Shana’s heart, Riddel will not rest until she has upheld the Viper family honor by earning herself a win. Shana’s dragoon summon may be quite potent, but Riddel’s innate holy defense and her strong magic defense should take the worst of the sting from it. After that, with a bit of healing and a lot of solid staff whacks, the lady of Viper Manor should be able to triumph over the resource-limited Shana. It may not be the most graceful win, but it’s the result that matters!

Unfortunately, despite Riddel being actually a strong minded princess who, while not that strong herself, doesn't have a lot of fear, and is willing to even stand up to a guy wielding the Masamune and trying to kill her...

And the fact that Shana is...well...the complete opposite of all that...

She still can't overcome the fact that Dragons > Snakes on reptile heirarchy.

Shana: 37
Riddel Viper: 10