Season 42, Week 2
Zhuzhen Liu
(Shadow Hearts)
Is this a joke? Zhuzhen is a master of the arcane arts, with decades of experience in demon fighting and exorcism under his belt. And his opponent is a weak, little boy. Well, Zhuzhen isn’t about to start underestimate his opponents even considering Alfred’s less than stellar reputation as a fighter. All Zhuzhen needs to do to win this match is not hold back; he'll come into battle with all his magic blazing, and wipe out the child in an instant. The Flames of Fudo will give Alfred quite the assortment of burn scars, and Nourishing Potion will ensure that Zhuzhen has little to fear from his puny damage. After all, old man are the most adept when beating up those young whippersnappers, which Alfred and his hooligan friends certainly qualify as!



The exciting pyromaniac fanfares of power are back again, and Alfred Schroedinger, the greatest youngster with a panda backpack to ever exist, is here for TRUE fireworks! After all, the bombing specialist of the great Schroedinger family has quite a reputation to live up to. Maya would never forgive him if he lost to a decrepit old man with a generic fetish for generically good-looking.,. um... dear god, is Zhuzhen bland to the point of not even having a token fetish? That's not a good start. But hey, this means Alfred's demolition job should go far faster - just plant a few explosives on the frail old man's hips and watch the fireworks fly...indeed, quite relaxing. That'll be quite the celebration for his - and maybe even Shady's! - victory in the arena!

Magic Fanatic
The young Schroedinger was at wits end. He was already mocked for his damage in the League, and here he thought he was finally handed a chance to get a win... Until, he learned, that his opponent could heal himself. This caused Alfred to seal himself in his room for days until the match, requesting any food to be delivered to him through a slot by the door. Various sounds of tinkering could be heard, and they continued for hours on end; few people could find a time where there wasn't the sound of tinkering.

Come to the day of the match, and Alfred finally left his room donning a tacky trench coat. Considering the weather, one had to question why he would wear such a thing. It became obvious at the duel.

Alfred had been mass-producing bombs into a huge bomb pile.

Zhuzhen wasn't afraid. He just sent a dragon composed of fire at Alfred. That's all Zhuzhen needed to do, really - Alfred's preparation did the rest.

They found Alfred later putting on fireworks shows for the people in the Town of Meria. Researchers are currently trying to figure out what the bomb was made of to cause the rip in time and space to another world, and restore Alfred's memory of the last nine years.

Zhuzhen Liu: 44
Alfred Schroedinger: 10